Amendments to Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha, notified

LOK SABHA NOTIFICATION No. 12/1/CI/2017.—The following paragraphs published in the Lok Sabha Bulletin-Part II dated 02 August, 2017, are hereby published for general information:—


No. 12/1/CI/2017.—The following paragraphs published in the Lok Sabha Bulletin-Part II dated 02 August, 2017, are hereby published for general information:—
“No. 5673                                                                                                                                                           Committee Branch-I

                     Amendments to the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha (Fifteenth Edition)

In pursuance of sub-rule (3) of Rule 331 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha (Fifteenth Edition), the following amendments approved by the Lok Sabha to the said Rules are published :—

                                                                                                         New Rule 307A
1.”Evidence of experts, interested parties and availing of public opinion.

307A. (1) The Committee may take evidence of experts or interested parties on the petitions/representations on their own initiative or on requests made.
(2) The Committee may also avail of the public opinion to make the report on the petitions/representations.
The witnesses who express their desire to appear before the Committee shall supply sufficient number of copies of written memoranda for circulation to the members of the Committee who may consider the same at their sitting and then decide whether such witnesses may be called to appear before the Committee.

                                                                                                                RULE 162
2. In Rule 162, for sub-rule (2), the following shall be substituted, namely :

“(2) Where there is more than one signatory to a petition, at least one person shall sign, or affix thumb impression if such person is illiterate, on the sheet on which the petition is inscribed.
If signatures or thumb impressions are affixed to more than one sheet, the prayer of the petition shall be repeated at the head of each sheet. Where the petition is made online through Members’ Portal, it may reflect the signature or thumb impression of the petitioner, as the case may be.”

                                                                                                        RULE 164

3. In Rule 164, for sub-rule (1), the following shall be substituted, namely:

“(1) Every petition shall be countersigned by a member presenting it. If a petition is made in any Indian language other than Hindi or English, its translation in Hindi or English shall also be countersigned by the member presenting it:
Provided that the petition submitted online through Members’ Portal shall be deemed to be countersigned by the member:
Provided further that the member may have the option to countersign the petition and upload a scanned copy thereof.”

Lok Sabha

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