GNLU organises 40th All India Criminology Conference

Gujarat National Law University in collaboration with the Indian Society of Criminology is conducting the 40th All India Criminology Conference which will


Gujarat National Law University in collaboration with the Indian Society of Criminology is conducting the 40th All India Criminology Conference which will spread over three days, starting from 19th January, 2018 to 21st January, 2018. The event shall witness participation from across the country estimating to around 500 people. There are around 230 paper presentations, the best of which shall be eligible for publication. Participants are drawn from across the spectrum including Academicians, Practitioners and Administrators in the field of Criminal Justice Administration including Hon’ble Judges, Police and Prison Officers, Representatives of Civil Society – NGOs, Media and other Activist Groups and Students.

The Indian Society of Criminology was founded in the year 1970 with the objective of advancing the study and application of Criminology and allied sciences for the welfare of society. The society has been seeking to attain its objective by organising annual conferences, periodical symposia and public lectures with themes of current interest in crime, its prevention and rehabilitation of the offenders, thus involving the people against crime and delinquency and also stimulating interest among the members of the criminal justice system in applying criminological approach to the problem of crime.

The main theme of the forthcoming Conference is Crime, Development and Criminal Justice Policies, with 6 sub-themes which are

1. Crime and Development – Economic Offences, Organized Crimes, Terrorism, Media and Crime.

2. Crime, Technology and Law – Issues and Challenges in the Investigation of Cyber Crimes, Social Media and Crimes, Application of Technology in Criminal Justice Administration.

3. Hate Crimes – Caste Conflicts, Communal Violence, Ethnic Violence, Crimes against Scheduled Tribes, Crimes Against LGBT, Religion as a regulatory role, hate speech.

4. Victim Jurisprudence – Victims of Abuse of Power, Women, Child, and elderly, environmental crimes, Reporting Behaviour of Victims.

5. Prison Reforms – Young Offenders, Borstal Schools and other correctional programmes, Prisoners’ Rights, Community Based Treatment of Offenders including Probation, Parole, Community Services, Prison Industries, After Care Programmes, community participation, other alternative dispute resolution methods and other restorative justice approaches.

6. Criminal Justice Policies- Police, Judiciary and other law enforcement agencies, Juvenile Justice and Criminal Justice Reforms.

Participation is open for on spot registrations, with or without submission of a paper for the Conference. The opening ceremony on 19th January shall be inaugurated by Bhupendrasinha Manubha Chudasama, Hon’ble Law Minister, Government of Gujarat, Justice R. Subhash Reddy, Chief Justice of the High Court of Gujarat, Prof. Dr. Bimal N. Patel, Director, GNLU, Dr. S Latha, Secretary, ISC, Dr. Arvind Tiwari, President ISC, Dr. A P Maheshwari, Director General, Bureau of Police Research and Development, Vikas Sahay, IPS DG, RAksha Shakti University, Ahmedabad, and Prof. Thomas Matthew, Registrar, GNLU. GNLU invites all interested persons to attend and participate in the forthcoming conference.

For any further queries, please contact Dr. Saria Gori ( contact number: 8128650867.

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