Call for Papers: Jus Dicere’s National Seminar on Access to Criminal Justice & Legal Reforms in India

Jus Dicere’s National Seminar on Access to Criminal Justice & Legal Reforms in India Date: August 26th, 2018 (Sunday); Venue: Constitution Club

Jus Dicere’s National Seminar on Access to Criminal Justice & Legal Reforms in India

Date: August 26th, 2018 (Sunday); Venue: Constitution Club of India, New Delhi

Concept Note: Justice is a nebulous concept. It is the end all legislations, authorities and societies seek to achieve. Access to criminal justice forms the most vital and impactful part of any legal system and although measuring the same is not possible as the figures keep getting lost between the number of crimes taking place, the ones reported, the ones where convictions are actually achieved and the ones that get lost in the system, the same need to rein enforced and reinstated through legal reforms. For ensuring access to criminal justice and bringing about legal reforms in India, it is imperative to appreciate that the legal justice system in India is hinged on a number of components: Police and Investigating Agencies, Accused, Victims & Witnesses, Courts, Tribunals, Women and Juvenile Offenders, Legal Aid Authorities all of which are to work in coherence to ensure that for any crime committed, the accused does not go scott free and that the victim is not penalized and justice is both served and felt. At the same time while ensuring this, it is important to keep into perspective the other important principles of justice administration like double jeopardy; that the guilt needs to be proved beyond reasonable doubt, that the burden of proof is on the prosecution to ensure that no innocent person is ever sentenced guilty.

Call for Paper: We seek proposals in form of paper from all Eminent Scholars, Academicians, Practitioners, Lawyers, Students and Experts to contribute in the seminar. Paper should not merely address the issue but also conceptualise views and arguments of the author on current scenario. The paper must expressly include the novelty and usefulness of the idea that the author wishes to put forth and must categorically mention the specific contribution of the article, beyond the existing available literature and the practical utility of his/her recommendations.

Themes for the Seminar: For the purpose of this seminar the themes and sub-theme are listed below are indicative of relevant research areas to give the prospective authors innovative prepositions about the ambit of discussion during the course of seminar. However, the authors may draw upon issues not limited to but touching upon the same for abstract submission and paper presentation.

* Law enforcement agencies – Police and Investigating Agencies: A gateway to Access to Justice

* Access to Justice for Victims & Witnesses

* Role of Judicial Institutions: Courts, Tribunals in Access to Justice

* Rescue mechanisms, rehabilitations and socio-legal support for victims.

* Legal Services To Women And Juvenile Offenders

* Effective Utilization Of Technology To Advance Legal Aid Services

* Legal Aid For Workers In The Unorganized Sector

* Impact Assessment Of Lok Adalats

* Legal Services To Victims Of Drug Abuse

* Access To Justice For Victims Of Trafficking And Prostitution

* Incorporating Legal Aid Into Law School Curriculum

* Legal Services To Mentally Ill And Mentally Disabled Persons

How to Participate: If you wish to participate, kindly submit us your abstract of the paper you would like to present at seminar at our website at earliest, but not later than July 22, 2018. If your abstract is selected, your final paper must be submitted on or before August 05, 2018 along with any registration form & participation fees.

Submission Guidelines: In order to present a paper in seminar, participant must have to submit paper & abstract as per following guidelines:

* The maximum word limit for abstracts is 200 – 250 words.

* The submissions should be original and unpublished. All relevant sources shall be duly acknowledged as footnotes. (Use of Endnotes is not allowed).

* The abstract should be accompanied by a cover page comprising of a brief profile of the author including name, current academic qualification, designation, institution/organization, e-mail address, contact number and postal address for correspondence.

* The ‘The Bluebook’: A Uniform System of Citation (19th Edition) style should strictly be followed in terms of reference, footnotes for submissions, non-compliance to the same will lead to the paper being summarily rejected.

* The word limit for full research paper is 2000-2500 words (excluding footnotes).

* The full paper should be drafted keeping in view these headings: Introduction, research methodology, objective, description of the research issues including socio legal analysis of the problem, precedents and judicial decisions, impact and implications, possible outcomes and the solutions.

* The body of the paper should be in Times New Roman, with font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, size 10 with single line spacing.

* Page borders should not be used.

* The paper should be submitted in only MS Word Format.

Participation Guidelines

* Co-authorship is allowed up to two persons.

* It is mandatory that at least one author may be present for paper presentation.

* However, each co-author has to mandatorily register themselves individually on payment of mentioned registration fee.

* All the abstracts & paper will be subject to blind peer review.

* The registration procedure and the registration forms details would be furnished subsequently.

* Paper presenters will be given ‘Certificate of Participation’ and attending participants will be given ‘Delegate certificate’.

* The seminar is open not only to law students but also to students, paralegals, civil society organisations, academicians of other disciplines.

* Limited accommodation will be provided to registered participants, accommodation fee is in addition to the registration fee. The accommodations are limited and the same will be provided on first come first serve basis on payment of the charges.

Important Links


* Winner will be awarded with Cash Prize, Gift hamper& Certificate of Merit.

* Runner-up will be awarded with Gift hamper & Certificate of Merit.

* The next 10 following papers in order of credibility will be awarded with Cash Coupon of 5000/- each from Jus Dicere& Certificate of Merit

* All the paper selected for seminar will be published in Special Issue with ISBN.

Important Dates

* Last date to submit abstract – July 22, 2018

* Notification of acceptance – Latest by July 25, 2018

* Last date to submit paper – August 05, 2018

* Last date to complete registration – August 05, 2018

Registration Fees

* Students & Research Scholars – Rs 1500/-

* Advocates/Professors – Rs 1800/-

Note: Any participant can avail facility of presentation via video conferencing with a additional fees of Rs 300.

Venue: Constitution Club of India, New Delhi

Reach Us: Kindly reach to Jus Dicere, with any query at

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