AMU | Group discussion on recent judicial pronouncements

Reported by Mirza Wardah Beg

A group of students of the Faculty of Law, Aligarh Muslim University organised a formal discussion on October 4, 2018 on the recent pronounced judgments of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, for all the students of the Law Faculty.  The topics that were discussed on the occasion were-
1. Alteration of Section 377  IPC
2. An analysis on the Aadhar controversy
?3. ‘ De-criminalizing’ Adultery
4. The Sabarimala Temple judgment
Students from every year participated in the discussion, which was moderated by Ms Saloni Tomer and Mr Areeb Uddin of 4th year. The discussion took place in the Moot Court Hall of the Faculty. This was the first time a special event was organised for discussing the recent happenings in the Supreme Court, and more of such productive events will be organized very soon!

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