Call for papers: NLIU Journal of Intellectual Property Law

Reported by Ishaani Singh

The Cell for Studies in Intellectual Property Rights (CSIPR), incorporated under the aegis of Prof. (Dr.) Ghayur Alam, Chair of IP Law at the National Law Institute University, Bhopal (NLIU), is now accepting submissions for Volume 8 of the NLIU Journal of Intellectual Property Law.

About the Journal

The NLIU Journal of Intellectual Property Law, published annually, is run by CSIPR at NLIU, guided by our illustrative faculty and is reviewed by a body of peers comprising our alumni. It aims to create meaningful debate and discourse to help build a fair and equitable regime of intellectual property law and to study the dynamic confluence of the academic and the transactional world presented by these laws.

The Journal has, in its past Volumes, published articles and papers by academicians, lawyers and law students from across the world and seeks to expand its reach through Volume 8. Submissions are invited for genuine, original and unpublished written works. We invite contributions from persons across the legal profession-research scholars, professionals, students and others for this issue.

Vision Statement

“To promote the culture of knowledge creation in India.”

Mission Statement

“To promote research and sharing of ideas in the field of Intellectual Property Law.”

Categories for Submission

Submissions can be made under the following categories:

Articles (3500-6000 words*): Article is expected to do a thorough and in-depth analysis of the problem(s) and idea(s). It must take the discussion to a logical and meaningful conclusion and must contribute to existing knowledge in the field of intellectual property law.

Notes (2000-3500 words*): Note must either initiate a new discussion or provide a summary of a recent development in the field of intellectual property law.

Case Comments (2000-5000 words*): Case Comment must be an analysis of a recent judgment pointing out its contribution to the development of intellectual property law. If the judgment selected has not decided the case of first impression, the Comment must provide a comparative analysis of all the judgments from the same jurisdiction on the same subject matter.

Book Review (1000-3000 words*): Book Review must identify and explain the strengths and weaknesses of a recently published book.

*The word limit is inclusive of footnotes. Kindly adhere strictly to the word limit prescribed.

Guidelines for Submission

All submissions must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300 words. The topic must be of contemporary relevance. The abstract must expressly include the novelty and usefulness of the idea that the author wishes to put forth and must categorically mention the specific contribution of the article, beyond the existing available literature, and the practical utility of his/her recommendations.

The introduction must introduce the topic, explain in brief the researchability of the topic, and delineate the structure of the article. The author must also identify the works already existing on the topic, pointing out any gap in the existing literature and clearly formulate the research problem and the hypothesis. Overall, the submission must meet the requirements of novelty and usefulness.

Co-authorship is permissible up to a maximum of two authors. The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 and in 1.5-line spacing. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10 and in single line spacing. The citations must conform to The Bluebook style of citation, 20th edition. (attached below)

Kindly send your manuscript in MS Word (.docx) format to, latest by 20 December 2018, 11:59 PM.

The subject of the e-mail should be “Submission for Volume 8 – (Title of the manuscript)”.

The submission should be accompanied by a Covering Letter which must include the following details:

  • Name of Author(s)
  • Contact Details – Address and Mobile No.
  • Name and Address of Institution
  • Course currently being pursued/Academic Qualifications

Copyright: The submissions for the Journal must not have been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere.  The contribution presented and accepted for publication and the copyright therein shall be the intellectual property of NLIU. 


In case of any queries kindly drop an email at or contact:

  • Udyan Arya Shrivastava, Convenor, CSIPR: +91 8982605691
  • Manasvi Tewari, Co-Convenor, CSIPR: +91 94071166411

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