DSNLU | Tour DE Arbitration 2019 [1st-5th February]

Reported by T. Krishna Saketh

CARDS committee of DSNLU, organizing the 3rd edition of flag ship event Arbitration tour to Paris scheduled for 1-5 February 2019.

The Link to register for the above mentioned event  www.tourdearbitration.com

DSNLU, Cards is conducting the flagship event of Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University. We provide platform to Indian Students, Foreign students and Young Professionals to register themselves to the tour of arbitration as the topics deal with effective Advocacy in International Arbitration and also How to make institutional arbitration work also an interface between domestic courts as well as arbitration tribunals, recent trends in international arbitration Hosted by Gide Loyrette Nouel, cleary Gottlieb and other famous arbitrators.

Important to Note:


Open to Students, Young Practitioners, Practitioners, Scholars, Professors and any individual interested in the field of Arbitration.

Registration Fee:

  • Indian Students:  EUR 50
  • Foreign Students: EUR 70
  • Young Professionals: EUR 100

Note: The fee is NOT inclusive of Accommodation and Travel Logistics. However, on request, guidance shall be rendered on the recommended choice of accommodation and travel itinerary.

Certificates shall be provided to the participants. Entry is strictly limited to 50 participants only.

For any queries, contact : Roselin Sara Alex: cards@dsnlu.ac.in| tourdearbitration@gmail.com

Contact No:  +91 9926144300

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