12th NLS – Trilegal International Arbitration Moot (NLSTIAM) [May 16-19, 2019]: Registrations Open

Reported by Apurva Singh

National Law School of India University, Bangalore, in association with Trilegal, will be organising the XII Edition of the National Law School – Trilegal International Arbitration Moot (NLSTIAM) from 16th to 19th May, 2019.

The XII Edition of the NLSTIAM endeavours to uphold these standards of excellence. With a challenging problem based on commercial arbitration and smart contracts, NLSTIAM endeavours to be an opportunity for students across jurisdictions to interact and exchange ideas and opinions. The Problem-Drafting Committee is being chaired by Gary Born, chair of the International Arbitration Practice Group at WilmerHale and a world-renowned author. Our end goal is to provide all participants with a wholesome, fulfilling, educative and social experience.

In the same vein, since its inception in 2008, NLSTIAM has endeavoured to raise the bar for moot court competitions in India. Our Competition has been growing in prestige and quality with each passing year, as can be evinced from the highly renowned problem drafting panel and judges that we have had in the past few years.

These include eminent practitioners, arbitrators, and judges of the higher judiciary, including Prof. Martin Hunter, author of the bible on international arbitration, Redfern & Hunter; Sophie Nappert, an independent arbitrator who has been ranked in Global Arbitration Review’s Top 30 Female Arbitrators World Wide; Gary Bell, who is currently on the panel of international arbitrators at Korean Commercial Arbitration Board and Singapore International Arbitration Centre; Nish Shetty, the Asia Head of Dispute Resolution Team at Clifford Chance; Leng Sun Chan, Deputy Chairman of Singapore International Arbitration Centre and the former Global Arbitration Head of Baker McKenzie; and Justice B.N. Srikrisna, retired judge of the Supreme Court of India, amongst others.

The Competition further boasts of a highly competitive pool of participants, including regular international participation from teams across the world, including those from the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States of America, Poland, Singapore, China, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

The problem will tentatively release on 27 December 2018 and the registration procedure can be started by filling this form.

A tentative schedule can be found below. We also clarify that the Memorial Qualifiers are only for the Indian teams.

Click here for the pre-invite brochure and official notification.

For any other queries or for receiving the official invite, rules and the case-study, please mail us at nlstiam@nls.ac.in or contact:

Akash Deep Singh (Convenor, Moot Court Society, NLSIU) : +91 9632534788
Saarthak Jain (Joint Convenor, Moot Court Society, NLSIU) : +91 9680101400


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