A great new book on Internships published by EBC

Acing Internships by Joshua Aston “The transition from being a teenager to adulthood and from being a law student to a professional

Acing Internships by Joshua Aston

“The transition from being a teenager to adulthood and from being a law student to a professional is full of thrill and challenges, because it is very difficult to adjudge what is correct and what is incorrect conduct in these phases of life. This book by Dr. Aston is a true masterpiece, an invaluable asset and source of readymade inspiration for budding young entrants into the Indian legal domain which will help them to understand the nuances of the system, the processes, ethics and conduct in order to groom them into bright practitioners and to help overall development of their personality. The book has come at a stage where there is no other reading material available on the subject. Therefore it is a must read for law students, interns and professionals.”

Dr. V.N. Paranjape

Additional General Manager (Law) Power Grid Corporation of India

“This book is a novelty and the first of its kind for Legal Internship. The author has put a practical perspective and covers the chartered territories of a Legal Intern. Must read for people who aspire to be a part of the legal profession and should be included in the reading list of legal curriculum.”

Hitesh Jain

Advocate, Senior Partner, ALMT Legal

“Internship is the buzz word for law students in today’s world. In fact, there is a school of thought that internships help build a foundation for the law student to choose his path after graduation. However, before this book arrived, there wasn’t much of a guide for students on the do’s and don’ts of an internship. More often than not, students tend to go with the flow and rely on their peers. There was nothing structured. With this book Dr. Joshua Aston has provided a structured and well researched study on the importance of internships and why they are beneficial for every law student to further their careers and how they should go about getting a good internship. The book has been written in a lucid manner and will be of great help to students as well as teachers and would surely also open the eyes of many employers. I wish the book a grand success!”

Satyan S. Israni

Advocate, Solicitor (UK) & Advocate Bombay High Court

The book can be purchased here

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