Amendment of Waqf Properties’ Lease Rules, 2014

In order to comprehensively review the implementation, assess the impact on the ground and to examine the challenges faced in the implementation

In order to comprehensively review the implementation, assess the impact on the ground and to examine the challenges faced in the implementation of Waqf Properties Lease Rules (WPLRs), 2014 (notified on 5.6.2014 and modified on 26.8.2015), a Committee headed by Justice (Retd) Zaki Ullah Khan, of Allahabad High Court was constituted by the Ministry of Minority Affairs on 7th March, 2018.

As per Waqf Management System of India (WAMSI) online portal, 5,76,457 waqf properties are registered with Waqf Boards. As per information received from Central Waqf Council, 24,831 cases pertaining to waqf properties are pending in different courts.

Justice Zaki Ullah Khan Committee, in its report submitted on 17.1.2019, has made several recommendations which inter-alia include  enhancement of competitive bids limit for lease of  waqf property  from Rs 1000 to Rs 3000 per month;  reduction in reserve price per square feet for lease of waqf property from 2% per annum to 1% per annum for hospitals, educational institutions and social sectors and from 2.5% per annum to 1.5% per annum for commercial activities; reduction in  security deposit payable on  tenancy periods; increase in lease tenure period in case of shops  from 5 years to 10 years and so on.

[Source: PIB]

Ministry of Minority Affairs

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