4th National Conference on International Law, organised by the International Law Society, KSOL

Reported by Shubhodip Chakraborty

The International Law Society, KIIT School of Law is organized the 4th KIIT National Conference on International Law from 12th January to 13th January 2019 to encourage discussion and deliberation on essential and contemporary issues pertaining to public and private international law. The objective of this conference is to foster the interest and explore the contemporary areas in public international law. Inaugural Ceremony commenced on 12th January, 2019 from 11 AM. The conference comprised of two events. Firstly, the symposium on International Law and secondly the Treaty Negotiation Competition.  The symposium consisted of three themes, namely, International Commercial Arbitration, International Human Rights and Terrorism Law & International Trade and Investment  Law. The Treaty Negotiation Competition which aims to spread awareness about the importance of the treaty-making process among the participants. The Competition helps in honing the negotiation skills of the participants at international level, given the fact that they will be representing a nation on the table. The format of the Treaty Negotiation Competition was based on the workings of various bodies and agencies of United Nations as well as other independent organizations which  cater  to  the  treaty  negotiation  process  in  various  global  spheres.  The key objective of this Competition is to inculcate in participants the sense of innovation along with negotiation skills which are essential in a lawyer. Students from various universities participated in the event.

List of Resource Persons:

  1. (Dr.) Srikrishna Deva Rao, Vice Chancellor of National Law University, Orissa.
  2. Suruchi Suri, Partner of Suri and Co.
  • S.G.Srijeeth, Vice Dean and Executive Director Centre for International studies, Jindal Global University .
  1. Ananya Chakraborty, Assistant Professor at National Law University, Orissa.
  2. AlipakBannerjee, Leader International Litigation & Dispute Resolution Practice, Nishith Desai Associates.
  3. AnubhabSarkar, Co-Founder of Triumvir Law


  1. Paper Presentation:
  2. Best Paper- Ms.KanikaLahoti, Christ University.
  3. Second Best Paper- Mr.ShubhamBiswal, Tami Nadu National Law University.

  1. Treaty Negotiation Competition:
  2. Winners- Mr. AnindyaBebartaPattnaik ,Mr. Parthsarthi Srivastava, National Law University Odisha, Cuttack.
  3. Runners Up- Mr. Aniket Pandey, Mr. VivaswanDeekshit, Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur
  • Best Framework Agreement- Mr. Anupam Pandey, Mr. Samrat Banerjee, Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur.

Organising Team-

  • Pooja Sah, President of International Law Society
  • PurbodayPatitunda, Vice- President, International Law Society
  • Mitul Dutta, Faculty Advisor of International Law Society

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