Call for Paper | Visakha Corporate Law Review

Reported by T Krishna Saketh

The Visakha Corporate Law review is intended to facilitate a better comprehension of corporate laws among students with an objective to encourage, promote research skills, creation of thought-provoking knowledge resource and to contribute to the academic and intellectual arena. It offers a forum for critical research on the interplay of contemporary issues in corporate laws, both from an academic and industrial perspective. The objective of VCLR
is to investigate different factors and issues in corporate world and attempts to investigate and offer functional arrangements, which might be useful in regulatory and policy decisions. VCLR has a vision to give an opportunity to eminent legal practitioners, academicians, research scholars and students to express their views and opinions on contemporary issues, unsettled disputes and various decisions of various forum including Competition Commission,
NCLT and the Supreme Court in the field of corporate law. VCLR also encourages research on topics related to the allied laws of corporate law like taxation, environmental law, competition law, criminal law, etc. The publication and submissions are selected and worked upon through a meticulous and structured review and editing process.
Deadline for Abstract Submission: 10 April, 2019
Eligibility: We welcome submissions from students, scholars, academicians, legal practitioners and others
to come up with their contributions.
The indicative themes for the VCLR are:
1. The recent changes in Indian Mergers & Acquisitions Control.
2. Corporate Democracy and Problems.
3. Legal Accountability of Companies.
4. Internal Management and Companies Liability.
5. Lifting of Corporate Veil.
6. Effect of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code on Corporate Governance in India.
7. Role of Corporate Governance in addressing the issue of Growing Non-Performing Assets.
8. Challenges with Respect to Cross Border Insolvency.
9. Corporate Law & Its Environment.
10. Private Placement and Preferential Allotment.
11. Front Running and Insider Trading.
12. Corporate Governance and Sustainability.
13. Any other Contemporary topic of relevance on Corporate Laws. The theme is broad to cover various sub-themes under the same.
We seek submissions under the following category:
1. Articles 3000 – 4000 words (exclusive of footnotes)
2. Research Paper 5000 – 7000 words (exclusive of footnotes)
3. Short Note and Case Comment 1500 – 2500 words (exclusive of footnotes)
4. Book Review 3000 – 5000 words (exclusive of footnotes).
Submission Guidelines:
1. All manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract of about 250-300 words outlining
the central argument(s) of the research paper.
2. Authors shall declare that the manuscripts submitted for publication do not infringe the
copyright laws. Except agreed otherwise, the copyright of the content published shall vest
with DSNLU, viz. the organizer. However, the organizers shall not be liable for any
copyright infringement by the authors.
3. The manuscript must not contain any mention of or reference to the author’s name, affiliation or credentials. Such information must be restricted to a separate cover page, which must contain a brief biographical description of the author and include the author’s name, affiliation, qualifications and contact details.
4. Plagiarism will result in the summary rejection of the manuscript.
5. Co-authorship is allowed to a maximum of one co-author.
6. All manuscripts should be emailed to the given email address.
Formatting Guidelines:
1. All Manuscript must follow Standard Indian Legal Citation method. Authors can download mode of citation from (
2. Submission must be in Times New Roman; font size 12 (main text) & line spacing of the main text should be 1.5, 1-inch margin space on both sides and justified.
3. All footnotes must be in Times New Roman Size 10, single spacing and justified.
4. The manuscript submitted must be in .doc/ .docx format.
5. Charts/Tables: These should be made as a part of the main text itself.
6. Page numbering should be in the middle of the page.
7. Quotations from primary sources: In italics, within inverted commas and duly
acknowledged in the footnotes.
Editorial Policy:
1. Authors, upon submission, must communicate their acceptance of the following
  • The work, upon publication, becomes the property of Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University;
  • Permissions for subsequent publication/reprint and/or derivative works must be obtained from DSNLU.
2. DSNLU retains complete discretion over acceptance/rejection of manuscripts.
3. Editorial decisions to publish shall be based solely on the review of the final manuscripts submitted by the authors.
4. The acceptance of manuscripts post-review may be made contingent on the incorporation
of such suggestions as communicated by DSNLU.
Important Dates:
Submissions Dates
Abstract Submission (250-300 words) 10 April,2019
Selection of Abstract 15 April, 2019
Final Submissions 31 May ,2019
Submissions should be mailed to
For Any enquiry Contact Details:
Ms. S. Prathyusha,
Assistant Professor, DSNLU.
For any Queries Contact:
1. Anjani Harika +91 9080400195
2. Mani Kumar Gurrapu +91 7075775222
3. Vamsi Krishna Bodapati +91 7036100361.

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