All HC | Registrar General directs officials/officers –“To stop while Judges are passing through galleries and pay highest respect to Their Lordships”

The office order issued by the Registrar General on 30-03-2019 directs the officials/officers as stated below: “It has often been noted that

The office order issued by the Registrar General on 30-03-2019 directs the officials/officers as stated below:

“It has often been noted that while “Hon’ble Judges pass through the galleries for sitting in Court and also retiring to Their Lordship’s Chambers, the officials/officers passing in the way do not stop to wait for the Hon’ble Judges to cross them, which is clearly an act of disrespect.

It is, therefore, directed that the officers/officials while passing through the galleries meant for the movement of the Hon’ble Judge shall stop whenever they see that the Hon’ble Judges are passing through the galleries and pay highest respect to Their Lordships.

Any deviation in this regard shall be viewed seriously.”

[Dated: 03-04-2019]

Allahabad High Court

Office Order


  • It is necessary that the Judges are to be respected and protocol observed by the judicial staff in letter and spirit. Their entry, as well as exit from the Courts every day, should have this honor. To accomplish this protocol the following are suggested.
    1. The entry and exit of the Judges should be preceded by a vigil and alert
    signals by the staff allotted for the purpose all through their path of entry.
    2. The clients and lawyers and other visitors in the Courts have to be kept off
    the pathway to enable the judges to enter and exist in a ceremonial manner
    3. Adequate security staff needs to be appointed for the purpose and trained properly to accomplish this protocol.
    4. This ceremonial event performed every day in honor of the Judges will go a long way to make them to always be conscious of their status to cause justice to their sacred profession.
    5. I strongly welcome the proposal.

    • This is already being done in Madras High Court.

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