Central Government : “Services” engaged in “Banking Industry” with the status of “Public Utility Service” be extended with the same for a period of 6 months

S.O. 1614(E) — Whereas the Central Government is satisfied that public interest so requires that the services engaged in the Banking industry,

S.O. 1614(E) — Whereas the Central Government is satisfied that public interest so requires that the services engaged in the Banking industry, which is covered under item 2 of the First Schedule to the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), to be a public utility service for the purposes of the said Act;

And whereas the Central Government has lastly declared the said industry to be public utility service for the purposes of the said Act for a period of six months from the 21-10-2018 vide notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Labour and Employment number S.O.5326(E), dated 18-10-2018 published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, section 3, sub-section (ii), dated the 18-10-2018;

And whereas the Central Government is of the opinion that public interest requires the extension of the public utility service status to the said industry for a further period of six months;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to sub-clause (vi) of clause (n) of Section 2 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central Government hereby declares the services engaged in the Banking industry to be a public utility service for the purposes of the said Act for a period of six months with effect from the 21-04-2019.

[Notification dt. : 18-04-2019]

Ministry of Labour and Employment

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