BHU | National Article Writing Competition, 2019

Reported by Shriya Pandey

Banaras Hindu University, formerly Central Hindu College, is a public central university located in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. It was established in 1916 by Madan Mohan Malaviya and Annie Besant. Faculty of Law BHU, popularly known as “BHU Law School”, was established as one of the oldest faculties of Banaras Hindu University.

About the Article Writing Competition

Legal Aid and Service Clinic, Faculty of Law, Banaras Hindu University is organising the National Article Writing Competition – 2019.


The theme of the competition is “Access to justice for marginalized people in India”. The subtopics of the main theme are given in the Annexure I at the end of the attached Brochure.


Only undergraduate law students (LLB, BA LLB, BBA LLB etc) are eligible to participate in the Competition.


Winners shall be awarded CASH PRIZES and CERTIFICATES. There shall be a total eight prizes whose description has been given below:

  1. First Prize: ? 7,500/-
  2. Second Prize: ? 5,000/-
  3. Third Prize: ? 2,500/-
  4. Prizes of Appreciation (Total Five): each ? 1,000/-


All articles submitted for this Competition shall become the sole property of the Faculty of Law, BHU and it shall have the right to publish the selected articles in the form of a book or journal. The Faculty of Law, BHU shall co-opt reputed academicians and legal professionals as the member of the Editorial Board.

Submission Registration Application Details

Submissions must be sent in the pdf format at the following e-mail address: info.bhulegalserviceclinic[at] on or before the last date for submission, i.e., 15th October 2019 by 11:59 PM.

The subject of the e-mail should be “Submission for the National Article Writing Competition- 2019”.

  1. Only one submission per participant is permitted however, an article may be written in co-authorship and number of co-authors should not exceed two.
  2. Name of the author, name of the institution, topic of article and contact details of the author should be clearly mentioned in the body of the mail.
  3. Manuscript and the file name containing the manuscript should not disclose any personal details of the participants.
  4. The students of the Faculty of Law, B.H.U. may also send their articles but their submissions shall not be considered for the prizes. They, however, shall get a participation certificate and their articles shall be considered on merit for the purpose of publication in the proposed book.

Registration Fee and Certificate

There shall be no registration fee for participation in the competition. Participation certificate shall be provided to all the eligible participants.

Contact Details

Prof. R.P. Rai: The Head and Dean & the Director, Legal Aid and Services Clinic, Faculty of Law, Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, UP- 221005

Email: info.bhulegalserviceclinic[at]

Organizing Secretary: Prof. Shailendra Kumar Gupta, Executive Director, Legal Aid and Service Clinic

Email: skgupta100[at]

Shresth, Student Coordinator, Student Coordination Committee: 9473223748

Prateek Srivastava, Joint Student Coordinator: 8840686445

Ritwik Shukla, Joint Student Coordinator: 9807689139

Shashank Shekhar Shukla, Co-opted Member: 9696663529

For more details, refer National-Article-Writing-Competition-2019-Brochure

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