Call for Papers | NLIU Forum for Research in Arbitration Law (NFRAL)

The NLIU Forum for Research in Arbitration Law (NFRAL) now invites submissions for publication on its platform ABOUT NLIU The National Law

The NLIU Forum for Research in Arbitration Law (NFRAL) now invites submissions for publication on its platform


The National Law Institute University, Bhopal (NLIU) is a leading law school in India, which was established in 1997 by an enactment of the State Legislature of Madhya Pradesh.


NFRAL is a not-for-profit and online forum for writing and research in arbitration managed by a body of students. It is now live at www.nfral.inSubmissions will be published on a rolling basis.


Submissions should be in the format of ‘Articles’ and ‘Blog-posts’, about an issue relevant to understanding or development of arbitration. The submission might advance an idea, summarize a development, or engage in discussion. Purely descriptive pieces which contextualize any issue will also be considered. While there is no preset limitation on the length, short pieces enhance the quality of legal scholarship. All ‘articles’ should be submitted with an abstract of 100-150 words in length.


If you are a first-time user, you will be required to register by clicking on “sign up”. Send your contribution by using the “Submit Now” feature under “Submissions” tab in Microsoft Word format. You can also write your piece and submit it using the in-built text editor. Your name, biographical information, and acknowledgments should be provided in a separate page.


Please access the style sheet here.


Our editorial process is fully blinded and a combination of technical review by student-editors and a substantive review by the experts and peers. Contributions which are not regarded as meeting the expected quality are rejected. As a matter of policy, we do not provide information on rejection of any submission.


Any query concerning a contribution can be made to

call for submissions_ articles and blogs

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