Centre declares — United Liberation Front of Asom as an Unlawful Association

S.O. 4273(E).—Whereas, the United Liberation Front of Asom and its various factions, wings and fronts (hereinafter referred to as the ULFA) has

S.O. 4273(E).—Whereas, the United Liberation Front of Asom and its various factions, wings and fronts (hereinafter referred to as the ULFA) has professed its aim namely, the “Liberation” of Assam from the Indian Union through an armed struggle in alliance with other armed secessionist organisations of the North East Region”;

And Whereas, the Central Government is of the opinion that ULFA has-

(i) indulged in various illegal and violent activities intended to disrupt the sovereignty and territorial integrity of India in furtherance of its objective of liberating Assam;

  1. (ii)  aligned itself with other unlawful associations of North Eastern Region to secede Assam from India;
  2. (iii)  in pursuance of its aims and objectives, engaged in several unlawful and violent activities during the currency of its declaration as an unlawful association;

And Whereas, the Central Government is of further opinion that the unlawful and violent activities which are attributed to ULFA include –

  1. (i)  about seventy incidents of violence, either individually or in alliance with other insurgent groups of North East Region, during the period from 1st January 2015 to 31st July 2019;
  2. (ii)  killing of thirty-two persons, including twenty-five civilians and seven security forces personnel, during the period from 1st January, 2015 to 31st July 2019;
  3. (iii)  kidnapping of six persons, during the period from 1st January, 2015 to 31s1 July 2019;
  4. (iv)  forty- seven cases of recovery of unauthorised arms and ammunitions from its cadres;
  5. (v)  indulging in a spate of extortions and secessionist activities, and endangering the lives of innocent citizens, in addition to acts of kidnappings for ransom;
  6. (vi)  instructing its cadres to carry out acts by targeting the establishments of security forces and their personnel, political leaders, railways and oil installations;
  7. (vii)  establishing sanctuaries and training camps in the neighboring countries; and
  8. (viii)  embarking upon restructuring of its organisational network at the grass root level by launching a systematic drive for recruitment of fresh cadres while continuing its violent and insurgent activities;

And Whereas, for the reasons mentioned above, the Central Government is also of the opinion that the activities of ULFA are, detrimental to the sovereignty and integrity of India and that it is an unlawful association;

And Whereas, if there is no immediate curb and control of the unlawful activities of ULFA, it may take the opportunity to –

  1. (i)  mobilise its cadres for escalating its secessionist, subversive and violent activities;
  2. (ii)  openly propagate anti-national activities in collusion with forces inimical to India’s sovereignty and national integrity;
  3. (iii)  indulge in killings of civilians and targeting of police and security forces personnel;
  4. (iv)  procure and induct more illegal arms and ammunitions from across the border;
  5. (v)  extort and collect funds and illegal taxes from the public for its unlawful activities;

Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 (37 of 1967), (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), the Central Government hereby declares the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) along with all its factions, wings and front organisations as an unlawful association;

The Central Government, having regard to the activities of ULFA, mentioned above, and to meet the sustained and ever increasing violence committed by ULFA in the recent past against the police, the armed forces and the civilians, is of the opinion that circumstances exist which render it necessary to declare ULFA to be an unlawful association with immediate effect and accordingly, in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to sub-section (3) of section 3 of the said Act, hereby directs that this notification shall, subject to any order that may be made under section 4 of the said Act, have effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

Ministry of Home Affairs

[Notification dt. 27-11-2019]

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