Call for Papers | NMIMS Student Law Review journals on various law themes

Reported by Vanshika Doshar

The NMIMS Student Law Review is the flagship law journal of NMIMS Kirit P. Mehta School of Law, Mumbai. It is an Annual, student-edited, peer reviewed. The journal aims to provide a platform for engaging in multi-disciplinary discussions on various themes of law. The Student Law Review primarily seeks to promote a culture of research, scholarship and academic writing among students, academics and jurists, which would be readily available in the public domain, by publishing it online and in print.

The Editorial Board of the NMIMS Student Law Review is pleased to invite original and unpublished manuscripts for publication in Volume I Issue II.

Themes for Volume I Issue II

The following broad themes are available for the authors to choose from:

  1. Intellectual Property Rights in Media and Sports Law
  2. Resolution Process Under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
  3. Cyber Law
  4. Law, Tech and Data Privacy/Protection
  5. Public Law and Policy
  6. Mergers and Acquisitions
  7. Arbitration in IP, Commercial and International Laws
  8. Environmental Law
  9. Law on Communications (Propagation of Fake News Across the World)

Submissions for the Journal may be in the form of:

  • Long Article (6000-10000 words): Articles must comprehensively analyse a contemporary legal issue that the author seeks to highlight. Articles would include research articles and theoretical discussions on any theme of law. It must either indicate the lacunae therein or, attempt to suggest possible changes, which can address the said lacunae or alternatively holistically cover the subject matter while offering a critical analysis of the chosen theme.
  • Short Article (3000-5000 words): Must be concise and condensed, in their scope and conceptualisation than long articles. They must challenge existing principles and provide a fresh interpretation to an issue.
  • Comments (1500-3000 words): A comment allows the author to critique any recent/landmark judicial pronouncement, legislation or a pending bill. The focus of a comment should be on a relatively recent pronouncement or legislation.

The NMIMS Student Law Review welcomes contributions that are original, unpublished and up to date.

Please note the following before submitting the manuscript:


Law students pursuing either the three-year LL. B, or the five-year integrated LL.B. program, as well as students pursuing their LL.M. or Ph.D.


Co-Authorship of up to two Authors is permitted.

Judgement Criteria

The manuscript shall be judged on the basis of language, structure, contribution to existing literature, contemporary relevance, depth of research and other such relevant criteria.

Style Requirements

  1. The manuscript’s title must be on the first text page and must be title of the file.
  2. Font must be Times New Roman and sized 12 for body, and 10 for Footnotes.
  3. Line Spacing must be 1.5 for Body and 1.0 for Footnotes.
  4. One line gap must be maintained between all paragraphs and headings.
  5. Alignment must be justified.
  6. All text, including hyperlinks, must be in black colour only.


We accept footnote citations exclusively. Citations must conform to standards laid in the Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th Edition).

Abstract and Keywords

All manuscripts must contain an Abstract of 200-300 words. The Abstract length is excluded from the respective submission word limits. We appreciate if you include 5 keywords along with the abstract.

File Format

All manuscripts must be submitted in .docx format AND .pdf format. No other form of submissions are accepted.


In order to facilitate our anonymous review process, we require you to confine your name, email address, phone number, affiliation, biographical information and academic qualifications, and acknowledgments in a separate cover letter and/or body of email. No such information is permitted in any part of the manuscript.

Submission Through Email

All submissions must be emailed to, with the subject as ‘Manuscript Submission for NMIMS Student Law Review’ and a declaration to the effect that the manuscript is an original and previously unpublished work of the author/s. Last date for submission for Volume I Issue II is January 05, 2020.


Submitted manuscripts should not be simultaneously considered by any other publication at the time of submission. The author/s undertake to inform NMIMS Student Law Review immediately in case the manuscript under consideration OR published manuscript is under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Expedite Requests

We do not any accept requests for expedition. All submissions are subject to same review process.

Originality and Plagiarism

All submissions must be the original work of the author/s. We do not appreciate plagiarism, including self-plagiarism.



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