NLSIU | Conference on the effectiveness of social security benefits for women in the unorganised sector of India

Reported by Anushree Jain

“The Effectiveness of Social Security Benefits for Women in the Unorganised Sector of India”

Sponsored by National Commission for Women

At NLSIU Campus, Nagarbhavi, Bengaluru

February 08-09, 2020

About the Conference

Social Security caters to the universal  human need  for reassurance and support in times of unemployment, illness, disability, death and old age. The State bears the primary responsibility for developing appropriate systems for providing protection and assistance to its workforce and families. The Constitution of India has affirmed social and economic justice to all its citizens. The Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy, enshrined in our Constitution need a special mention in view of their supreme importance and influencing the social security legislations, which provide sufficient guarantee against exploitation.

India’s social security system comprises a number of schemes and programs. There are schemes like Janani Suraksha Yojana, Pradhan Manthri Matriva Vandana Yojana and Acts like National Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2017, National Food Security Act, 2013 etc. ensuring the social security benefit in India. Still government-controlled social security structure in India applies to only a small portion of the population. While a major part of country’s population is in the unorganized sector and may not have an opportunity to participate in each of these schemes, people working in the organized sector and their employers are entitled to coverage under various government run social security schemes. The applicability of mandatory contributions to social security programs is varied.

Unorganised or informal sector constitutes a pivotal part of the Indian economy. More than 90 per cent of workforce and about 50 per cent of the national product are accounted for by the informal economy. A high proportion of socially and economically underprivileged sections of society are concentrated in the informal economic activities. The high levels of growth of the Indian economy during the past two decades is accompanied by increasing informalisation.

There are indications of growing interlinkages between informal and formal economic activities. There has been new dynamism of the informal economy in terms of output, employment and earnings. Faster and inclusive growth needs special attention to informal economy. Sustaining high levels of growth are also intertwined with improving domestic demand of those engaged in informal economy, and addressing the needs of the sector in terms of credit, skills, technology, marketing and infrastructure.

Social security for women in India, despite the existence of multiple Government sponsored schemes, is an issue that has not yet been tackled efficiently as these schemes still fail to reach the most marginalised women in the society. In this situation it is very pertinent to work together and address this issue. The national conference will provide a platform for a multi-disciplinary exploration of the various issues involved in the context of the broad themes and deliberations will lead to probable action points for future work in this area.

The Seminar will invite presentations and papers on the following themes

  1. Women and Social Security : Conceptual Unpacking
    1. Social Security needs of Women in India
    2. Constitution and Social Security of Women
    3. Development and Sec Equality
    4. Inter-state Disparities in Social Security Benefits
    5. Women Capabilities and Human Rights
    6. Work Participation of Rural Women in Third World
    7. Dynamics of Sexual Division of Labour and Capital Accumulation 
  1. Women and Social Security : Spaces in Current Development
    1. National Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2017
    2. Social Security Benefit Schemes in India
    3. Migration and Social Security of Women
    4. Old Age Women and Social Security
    5. Social Security of the Dalit and Marginalized Women
    6. Social Security Programmes on Gender Advancement
    7. New critical Issues in the Service Sector Delivery System 
  1. Women and Social Security : Existing International Standards on Social Security
    1. Efficiency and Enforceability of International Standards in Social Security
    2. Social Security of Women in the Global Perspective
    3. Women and Pro-Poor Policies
    4. Women Rights and International Laws
    5. Development Process and Status of Women in Developed Countries
    6. International Conventions on Social Security for Women
    7. Resilience of Gender Inequities 
  1. Women and Social Security : Role of Institutions in Ensuring Social Security
    1. International Labour Organization and Social Security
    2. Judiciary and Social Security Benefits
    3. Public Interest Litigation and Social Security Benefits in India
    4. Defects of Standard Economic Approaches in Ensuring Social Security
    5. Role of National Law Schools in Ensuring Social Security Benefits
    6. Role of Educational Institutions
    7. Role of Civil Society 


The National Law School of India University, the nation’s premier law university, came into existence through a notification under the National Law School of India University Act (Karnataka Act 22 of 1986). It signified the culmination of efforts by the Judiciary, the Bar Council of India, the Karnataka Bar Council, the Bangalore University and the Government of Karnataka to reform legal education and to establish a centre of excellence for legal education and research in India.

The Law School has undertaken many research projects funded by the UGC, the Government of India, the Government of Karnataka, the Department of Women and Child Development, UN agencies, the World Bank, HIVOS etc. The Projects have served to strengthen research and teaching at the Law School. The National Law School of India University since its inception has taken proactive steps in organizing conferences, seminars, workshops, refresher courses and certificate courses to update academicians, law teachers, students, industry personnel in different subject areas

About National Commission for Women

The National Commission for Women (NCW) is the statutory body of the Government of India, generally concerned with advising the government on all policy matters affecting women. It was established in 31 January 1992 under the provisions of the Indian Constitution, as defined in the 1990 National Commission for Women Act. It strive towards enabling women to achieve equality and equal participation in all spheres of life by securing her due rights and entitlements through suitable policy formulation, legislative measures, effective enforcement of laws, implementation of schemes/policies and devising strategies for solution of specific problems/situations arising out of discrimination and atrocities against women.

Who May Attend the Seminar?

  • Lawyers, Academicians and Law Students
  • Civil Society Representatives and Activists
  • Industry Professionals
  • Representatives from Companies and other Institutions
  • Representatives of Governing and Regulatory Bodies

Important Dates:

  • Abstract Submission: January 15, 2020
  • Communication for Acceptance of Abstract: January 20, 2020
  • Last Date for Registration: January 22, 2020
  • Submission of Full-Length Papers: February 5, 2020
  • Date of Seminar: 08th and 09th February, 2020

Submissions – Details and Guidelines:

  • Abstracts of not more than 500 words, for original research papers on the above-mentioned themes are invited, submitted as Word documents, with a covering letter containing the name and designation of the author(s).
  • There can be maximum only two Authors for each Abstract/Paper.
  • Authors of shortlisted abstracts shall be required to send their full-length papers who would have the privilege of presenting their paper at this seminar.
  • The full-length research papers in case of short articles should be 3500 – 5000 words(inclusive of foot notes), and around 8000 words (inclusive of foot notes) in case of long articles.
  • Potential contributors are required to adhere to a uniform mode of citation (20th edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation is recommended).
  • All Abstracts to be sent via e-mail to on or before January 15, 2020.

Registration Fees: INR 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) per author/ participant. [Non- Residential]

Registration fees may be paid by DD drawn in favour of National Law School of India University and sent along with the Registration Form attached herewith or through NEFT transfer, as per the bank details given below. Once the NEFT is done, the participant(s) must send the BANK TRANSACTION ID to

Last Date for Registration:  January  22, 2020

The fee covers the Registration, lunch, tea/coffee during the Breaks for the Two-Day Event. Participants will need to make their own arrangements for boarding/lodging. Accommodation on campus is available, on first come first serve basis, and on a nominal charge, as per the University Rules. Towards booking accommodation, please mail at 

Address for Correspondence

Dr. Yashomati  Ghosh

Associate Professor of Law

National Law School of India University

Nagarbhavi PO,  Bangalore

Email :

Mob : 7902500870 

Note : Kindly send a scanned copy of the Registration Form and NEFT Transaction ID to Mr. Richin S Kottaram at email id :

For registration form: click HERE

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