Major Port Authorities Bill, 2020 introduced in Lok Sabha; to provide for regulation, operation and planning of Major Ports in India

Major Port Authorities Bill, 2020 introduced in Lok Sabha with a view to provide for regulation, operation and planning of Major Ports

Major Port Authorities Bill, 2020 introduced in Lok Sabha with a view to provide for regulation, operation and planning of Major Ports in India and to vest the administration, control and management of such ports upon the Boards of Major Port Authorities and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Why was it enacted?

The Major Port Trusts Act was enacted in the year 1963 for constitution of port authorities for certain Major Ports in India and to vest the administration, control and management of such ports in such authorities and for matters connected therewith.

To provide greater autonomy,flexibilitytotheMajorPorts and to professionalise their governance, it is proposed to repeal the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963 and to replace it with new legislation, namely, the Major Port Authorities Bill, 2020 which, inter alia, provides for the following, namely:—

(i) to constitute the Board of Major Port Authority for each Major Port in place of the Board of Trustees which shall consist of a Chairperson, a Deputy Chairperson, one Member each from the (a) concerned State Government in which the Major Port is situated; (b) Ministry of Railways; (c) Ministry of Defence; (d) Customs, Department of Revenue. Besides these, (a) independent Members not less than two and not exceeding four; (b) one Member not below the rank of Director nominated by the Central Government; and (c) two Members representing the interest of the employees of the Major Port Authority, shall also be Members of the Board;

(ii) to enable the Board of Major Port Authority—

(a) to use its property, assets and funds in such manner and for such purposes as it may deem fit for the benefit of the Major Port;

(b) to enter into and perform any contract necessary for the performance of its functions under the proposed legislation;

(c) to create master plan for development of any infrastructure within the port limits; and

(d) to make regulations for the purpose of operations, development and planning of the Major Ports;

(iii) to empower the Central Government to take over the management of the Major Port Authority in certain circumstances and to issue directions to every Major Port Authority on matters of policy;

(iv) to constitute an Adjudicatory Board for adjudication of disputes among Major Ports, Public Private Partnership concessionaires and captive users. This Adjudicatory Board shall consist of a Presiding Officer and two other Members, as may be appointed by the Central Government; and

(v) to make a provision for Corporate Social Responsibility measures by the Major Ports for its employees, customers, business partners, NGOs and society at large.

Copy of the Bill: Major Port Authorities Bill, 2020

Lok Sabha

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