Corona Virus | Madras HC | Lawyers requested to not operate from Chambers

Chennai as one of the 75 districts affected with a confirmed case of COVID-19, State of Tamil Nadu has imposed the following

Chennai as one of the 75 districts affected with a confirmed case of COVID-19, State of Tamil Nadu has imposed the following conditions as to the restricted functioning of the High Court confining only to extremely urgent matters.

Cause list and functioning with effect from tomorrow i.e., 24-03-2020 shall further stand modified as follows:

  • Two Division Benches dealing with all urgent fresh Criminal and Civil matters separately and there shall be 5 Single Benches.
  • Lawyers be requested to not operate from Chambers and they be requested no to invite the litigants inside unless it is absolutely imperative either for their personal presence that may be required on orders of the Court or for personal verification as per directions of Registry.
  • Filing be limited to only urgent matter, which shall be for a period of 3 weeks from now only on the permission to be granted by respective Courts exercising jurisdiction either Criminal or Civil Side as per roster to be given effect to tomorrow.

*To read the detailed circular, please click on the link below:


Madras High Court

[Circular dt. 23-03-2020]


  • I was very impressed by your article. I hope others feel the same and you continue to share your knowledge with us.

  • Quarantine is necessary to prevent the spread of the virus. Every citizen should contribute to fight the Covid-19.

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