Extension of Lockdown | Sikk HC|Facilitation Centres for video-conferencing established; Not more than 1/3rd of employees should be attending office at a time

In view of the nationwide lockdown being extended till 17th May 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic and taking into consideration the new

In view of the nationwide lockdown being extended till 17th May 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic and taking into consideration the new guidelines issued by the Government of Sikkim vide Order No. 06/Home/2020 dated 2nd May 2020, it is hereby informed to all concerned that the High Court of Sikkim and the District Courts in the State of Sikkim will continue to function in terms of Notification No. 77/HCS dated 18th March 2020, Guidelines to the District Courts bearing reference No. 78/ HCS dated 18th March 2020 and Circular No. 33/Confdl/HCS dated 24th March 2020.

High Court of Sikkim issues the following instructions:

1. Standard Operating Procedure published vide reference No. 137/Comp/HCS dated 24th March 2020 will continue to operate for hearing of cases through video-conferencing. Helpline number ‘14636’ for queries relating to video-conferencing facilities have also been made operational.

2. Facilitation Centres for video-conferencing established in the High Court of Sikkim and all the District Courts will be made available to such litigants who do not have means or access to video-conferencing facilities. This facility can also be utilized by the learned Advocates, if required.

3. Filing Section of the High Court of Sikkim will remain open from 10 am to 1 pm. Similar arrangements shall be made by the jurisdictional District Judges in their respective Districts.

4. A roster duty arrangement from 4th May 2020 to 17th May 2020 will be made to ensure that urgent administrative works are attended to. Depending on the exigencies of service and situation, the Registrar General of the High Court and the jurisdictional District Judges at the District Courts will place the concerned staff on duty during the roster period.

However, it will be ensured that not more than one-third of the employees should be attending the Office at a time. The jurisdictional District Judges will also consider the new guidelines issued by the Government of Sikkim dated 2nd May 2020, while making the duty roster.

The above instructions will remain effective till 17th May 2020.

Sikkim High Court

[Circular dt. 02-05-2020]

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