Call for Blogs| CADR Sidebar: Submissions on a Rolling Basis

Reported by Vijaya Singh

The Editorial Board of the Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution, RGNUL (CADR-RGNUL) invites blog posts from legal practitioners, academics, research fellows, undergraduate and postgraduate students etc.

About the University

The Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law is a National Law University located in Patiala, Punjab, India. It was established in 2006 by the Punjab Government as a university dedicated to the field of Legal Education.

About the Centre

The Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution, RGNUL (CADR-RGNUL) was established in the year 2018 as a Centre dedicated to research and capacity-building in ADR. One of the foremost aims was to fill voids that plague existing literature and bridge the often-daunting gap between the academia and practicalities of a career in ADR.

About the Blog

The CADR Blog is aimed towards integrating insights from the professional and the academic world. To that extent, the Blog publishes articles on contemporary issues plaguing and developing in ADR.

Call for Articles

The CADR Blog runs on a rolling basis and accepts articles for submission throughout the year. However, CADR is initiating a cycle of discourse, debate, and deliberation on Investment Arbitration and Other Alternate Dispute Resolution mechanisms, such as Mediation, Negotiation, and Conciliation through the medium of articles for the month of June. A few general themes that are in focus are:

  1. Investment Arbitration

1.1.  Multilateral Investment Court: What’s in store for Investment Arbitration in Europe?

1.2.  Brazil-India BIT: What’s next for Investment Arbitration in India?

1.3.  A Discourse on Legitimacy of Investment Arbitration in context of India;

1.4  Covid-19 and Investment Arbitration;

1.5.  Enforcement of Investment Awards in India;

1.6.  Blockchain Arbitration.

  1. Mediation, Conciliation and Negotiation

2.1.  Investment Mediation;

2.2.  Singapore Convention for Mediation: A game changer?

2.3.  Singapore Convention for Mediation: What’s in store for India?

2.4.  Compulsory pre-Litigation Mediation;

2.5.  Global Trends in Mediation practice;

2.6.  Case Studies in Mediation/Negotiation;

2.7.  Viability of Remote Mediations, especially in context of COVID-19;

2.8.Practical realities and observations in Mediation/Negotiation/Conciliation.

Please note that the CADR Blog remains open on rolling basis to submissions on all topics related to ADR. Articles submitted outside of the focused topics above will receive the same scrutiny and consideration for publication.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Co-authorship is limited to a maximum of two authors.
  2. All submissions must be in Times New Roman, font size 12 and Spacing 1.5.
  3. Word limit for all submissions is between 800-2500 words.
  4. All submissions should be accompanied with a cover letter specifying the author’s name, designation, institute, contact number and email address for future reference.
  5. All entries should be submitted in .doc or .docx format.
  6. All selected submissions would be published on the CADR Blog at
  7. The submissions must be original, unpublished and an outcome of the author’s own efforts.
  8. Authors must acknowledge and give due reference to any source. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and articles found to be plagiarized will not be considered for publication.
  9. On submission, authors shall be deemed to have divested the copyright to CADR. However, all moral rights shall vest with the author(s).

Citation Format

In keeping with the informal tenor of Blog posts, unlike research articles, we prefer hyperlinks over footnotes and endnotes. However, if the Author deems the latter to be appropriate, we request them to follow The Bluebook, A Uniform System of Citation (20th Ed.).

For a detailed elaboration of the manner of content the Editorial Board is looking for, please refer to the CADR Blog Submission Guidelines here.

Submission Deadline

The blogs are invited on a rolling basis. All submissions must be emailed to with the subject “Blog Submission for CADR Blog: [Name of Article]”.

Contact Details

For any queries, please contact the Editorial Board at

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