Final Stand | First Bi-Annual Essay Writing Competition

Reported by Ujjwal Jain

The Final Stand is a law and policy initiative for climate change and the environment. In India, we are presently working in the fields of Green energy, Green Finance and Regulations and other environmental laws under the mentorship of Justice Wilson from the Hawaii Supreme Court. We are primarily focused on increasing climate literacy and drafting policy and legislation.

A key aspect of this organization is the Final Stand Blog, a focused and convenient avenue for those who are interested in writing and are keen to publish ideas on the contemporary issues surrounding Climate Change. Given the growing interest in the legal fraternity in developments on international environmental law and its increasing prominence, discussion on it is more relevant now than ever.

The Final Stand is announcing its First Bi-Annual Essay Writing Competition for university students.

Participation Guidelines:

•The essays must be restricted to areas pertaining to either Environmental Law or the science, politics or economics of Climate Change.
•The authors must be enrolled in any recognized Indian University.

 • Co-authorship of entries (maximum two) among individuals from the same or different institutions is allowed.
Note:  The entry fee for Sole authorship is INR 100 and 200 INR for co-authorship which should be directed through UPI to 9643717049@upi  or through Paytm at the following phone number – (9501119302) by 11:59 pm, 10th July 2020.
The participants are requested to send a screen-shot of the transfer post the submission of the entry fee to


•Top three entries will be receiving a ‘certificate of achievement’ and an opportunity to intern with The Final Stand.

• A ‘certificate of merit’ shall be provided to the selected entries.
• Selected entries will be published on ‘The Final Stand Blog’.
• A maximum of 2 entries are permissible per author.
• Entries should be original, unpublished and non-plagiarised. All entries will be screened through a plagiarism detection software.

Submission Guidelines

Participants are requested to adhere to the following submission guidelines:

• Word Limit for the Competition: 1000-2000 words (excluding footnotes).
• Individual Attachments: Name; contact details; current academic status (Year, University etc.); undertaking as to guarantee of originality
• Formatting specifications:

– Font and size for the essay: Times New Roman | 12

-Font and size for footnotes: Times New Roman | 10
– Line spacing: 1.5

Citation Style: Uniform Style of citation should be followed throughout the essay.

• The file name must consist only of the author’s name.
• Entries should be emailed to under the subject title “Entry for TFS Article Writing Competition – [Name(s) of Author(s)]” in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format.
• The last date for the submission of soft copies is  11:59 pm on 17th July, 2020.
• Any queries relating to the essay competition should be addressed to

Miscellaneous Rules

• The copyright for all entries shall vest with the organisers who herewith reserve the right to modify, postpone or defer the competition and its adjudication indefinitely as and when exigencies of an unforeseen nature may arise.
• Any attempt, direct or indirect, to contact the panel of judges will be met with the immediate disqualification of the relevant entry.
For more details visit:
Click HERE

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