Call for Papers | The Charter Law Journal [Vol.1 Issue.1]

ABOUT THE JOURNAL The Charter Law Journal (CLJ) is open access and peer-reviewed journal provide dedicated to express views on topical legal


The Charter Law Journal (CLJ) is open access and peer-reviewed journal provide dedicated to express views on topical legal issues, thereby generating a cross current of ideas on emerging matters. The erudite response of legal luminaries shall be solicited to enable readers to explore challenges that lie before lawmakers, lawyers and the society at large, in the event of the ever-changing social, economic and technological scenario.

CLJ unique coverage provides practical advice on different law issues such as criminal law, constitutional law, IP protection, taxation, dispute resolution, competition law and much more. It assesses the implications of legal developments, ensuring that our readers are kept fully informed

of the threats and opportunities that arise from every significant change in the law. It also provides vital intelligence on the country’s law firms, legal process outsources and the judiciary.

CLJ started with an aim to provide an avenue for the expression of views of people belonging to the field of law. It is open for all to submit and subscribe to the journal. In the present globalized scenario, it is necessary for people belonging to other fields to understand the importance, impact, and the image of law as it can affect the public at large when taken as a whole and group of individuals when viewed in parts. Further, knowledge of law (at least to an extent) has elevated from being a matter of passing interest to a level of general aptitude.


The uniqueness of CLJ is that it operates without any theme, so as to provide a reasonable opportunity to those who are interested in the Legal jurisprudence to express their views accordingly.


  • A Soft/hard copy of the Certificate of Publication and Journal.
  • A soft copy of the Journal


  1. The manuscript should be an original work of the author and not under consideration for publication in any other journal or blog. The work should not be plagiarised.
  2. The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman with a font size 12, 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, size 10, 1 line spacing
  3. All the relevant sources must be Fully acknowledged
  4. The manuscript must be submitted in an MS-Word document to
  5. The manuscript must include a brief description of the author.
  6. The copyright declaration form shall be submitted through e-mail with the manuscript.
  7. In relation to all the disputes, the decision of the Editorial Board shall be final and binding.
  8. The file must contain a minimum of 1500 words and the author is solely responsible for any copyright infringement.
  9. The authors shall receive an acknowledgment email on the receipt of the article by the Editorial Board. In case this does not happen, kindly re-send the article. Once the Editorial Board receives an article, it shall be processed through a rigorous editorial procedure and the decision about its acceptance or rejection shall be communicated to the authors within 48 hours.


  • Articles (3000-5000 words including footnotes)
  • Short Notes (2000-3000 words including footnotes)
  • Book Reviews (1000-2000 words including footnotes)
  • Case Commentaries (1000-3000 words including footnotes)



August-05 2020



The fee is to be paid after acceptance of Manuscript.

Rs. 600 for Single Authored manuscript

Rs. 750 for Co-authored manuscripts (Max. 2, including the author)

  2. Account Number: 919458207559
  3. Account Name: ANIKET SINGH
  4. IFSC Code: PYTM0123456
  5. PAYTM/G-PAY: 8447887304


Editor The Charter Law Journal.


Phone: 7650944853


One comment

  • Dear Sir/Ma’am

    The submission of the paper requires a copyright form to be submitted alongwith, however there is no copyright form given that needs to be filled and submit. So, could there be some clarification given for it at the earliest as the submission deadline is less than 48 hours now.

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