Call for Paper | Adhikarin – Journal for Center of Child and Woman Studies, HPNLU

Reported by Shiva Vishnoi

About the Journal

Warmest of season’s greetings to you from the Editorial Committee of the upcoming Annual Academic Journal Adhikarin of the Centre of Child and Woman Studies. With a great sense of zeal and enthusiasm, we would like to inform you that the first issue of our Journal is set to be launched in the month of December 2020. We do hereby solemnly solicit high quality academic contributions for our first issue. Eponymously, the “Adhikarin” is proposed as the name of HP NLU’s annual academic journal for Centre of Child and Woman studies wherein high quality contributions are invited from academicians and practitioners in the fields of law, jurisprudence and social sciences. Meant to be a meeting point of interdisciplinary approaches to table the legal & social dimensions affecting contemporary society, the endeavor of the editorial team of “Adhikarin” is to provide space for a free and fruitful convergence of ideas, ideologies and philosophies.

Adhikarin – Journal, the flagship of Centre of Child and Woman Studies will constitute one more step in the journey of struggle to protect and strengthen the position of women in India. The central theme reflects the current context of a rapidly changing society wedged up in a lived experience of ambiguity, volatility, insecurity, and struggle that women and children face. Undoubtedly, issues such as gender inequality, violence and discrimination against women and children are gaining impetus in the present scenario but issues pertaining to securing their fundamental rights are equally vital. This Journal aims to fore ground the need to search through the mounting complexities of day-to- day experiences, issues, and incidents for the structural underpinnings of contemporary inequalities a new thinking to effectively challenge the structures that central to inequalities of gender, caste, class and community.

Submission Categories

The Adhikarin – Journal of Centre for Child and Woman Studies invites submissions under the following categories

  • Articles (4000-7000 words excluding footnotes)
  • Case Comments (up to 5000 words excluding footnotes)
  • Case Notes and Legislative Comments (up to 5000 words excluding footnotes)
  • Book   Reviews (2000-3000   words excluding footnotes)

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Theme: The theme(s) or topic(s) for the volume is confined to child and woman issues. All submissions engaging facets of legal interest and relevance shall be accepted.
  2. All submissions in Electronic  form: All contributions shall be submitted in double spaced, with a left margin of one and half inches and send to  
  3. Abstract: Words 150-200.
  4. Cover Letter: It’s Mandatory
  5. Communication of Acceptance: The decision of editorial board vis-à-vis to acceptance and rejection of a submission for publication shall be final. The decision of acceptance will be communicated to the contributor within six weeks of receiving the submission
  6. Last Date of Submission: September 30, 2020

Website: Click

Style Requirement

  1. Citation: For citation and references, The Bluebook, A Uniform System of Citation (19th Ed.), should be strictly followed. The paper should be processed in MS Office 2010 onwards,
  2. Lengthy Quotation(s) discouraged: Author(s) should avoid lengthy quotation(s) and keep them precise and succinct, wherever necessary. It is further directed that quotation(s) must carry apt acknowledgment.
  3. Footnotes: Lengthy and multi-paragraph footnotes are discouraged. Footnote must provide the page number(s) of the source(s). In the case where judicial pronouncements are the source, it is mandatory to cite the paragraph of the judgment in addition to the page number of the Reporter.
  4. Websites: Only authoritative websites must be cited. References to (or citing them in regarding the originality of the paper and that footnotes) unauthentic internet sources inter alia Wikipedia, blogs, etc. In gravamen, any sources which can be manipulated by the third person are strictly prohibited

Terms and Conditions The submission(s) should meet the following terms and conditions:

  1. The submission(s) should be coherent, well researched, and elucidate in nature. As abovementioned, it must necessarily follow a uniform citation method for footnotes/references.
  2. The submission should be the original work of the contributor and not a mere compilation of pre-existing works on the subject. The researched contributions should not violate the copyright of other person(s). The contributor must give a certificate/declaration as to the authenticity of the work.
  3. The copyright in all articles, published in the Volume shall vest in the owner of the Law Review, Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla.
  4. There is generally, a prevailing (mal) practice to adopt other’s work together with footnotes. If one is reading from works of an author and that author has quoted yet other books or cases etc., the rule is that the one has to find out each original source. The context of the author might be different. One is not entitled to pick up the footnotes of that other author as also his propositions relating to it.

Editorial Board

Editor: Ms. Navditya Tanwar Kaundal

Co-Editor: Dr.Ruchi Raj Thakur

Associate Editor: Ms. Esha Sharma

Journal Adhikarin, HPNLU

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