Call for Papers | CASIHR Journal on Human Rights Practice

Reported by Vijaya Singh

The Centre for Advanced Studies in Human Rights (CASIHR), Rajiv Gandhi National university of Law, Punjab invites articles, case comments and book reviews for Volume 4, Issue II of the CASIHR Journal on Human Rights Practice (CASIHR JHRP).

To provide a platform for more pointed, specialized and diverse inputs and analyses, the adherence to a rigid thematic issue has been dispensed with. Therefore, this particular volume is not theme specific in nature and authors are free to write on any topic relevant to the field of Human Rights.

The manuscripts received will, after initial screening, go through a double blind peer review process by relevant academicians and experts. Final selection will be based on the aforementioned process.


Authors are free to write on any subject of their choice provided it remains within the ambit of Human Rights and adds to contemporary discourse regarding the same.

Deadline for Submission

20th September 2020, by 11:59 PM.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions can be made under the following heads:

  1. Long Articles – Word limit of 6000 words.
  2. Short Articles – Word Limit of 4000 to 4500 words.
  3. Case Comments – Word Limit of 1500 to 2000 words.
  4. Book Reviews – Word limit of 1000 to 1500 words.

The word limit is exclusive of footnotes.

Format of Submission

All the contributors must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. All Submissions must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300 words.
  2. The body of the document must be in Times New Roman with a font size of 12 and Line Spacing of 1.5.
  3. All the footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10 and with single line spacing.
  4. The citations must conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th)
  5. Co-authorship is permissible up to a maximum of two authors.
  6. All submissions are required to be mailed in .doc/.docx format only.

Submissions which do not adhere to the guidelines provided shall not be considered for review. Submissions which meet all the requirements would go through a peer review process conducted by academicians, professionals and other experts in the field of Human Rights and only the recommended works would be published.

All the submissions must be mailed only to with a cover letter specifying the following:

  1. Name of Author(s)
  2. Designation
  3. Name and Address of Institution
  4. Contact Details– Address and Mobile No.

Editorial Policy

  1. The submission must be an original unpublished work. Submissions should not be simultaneously considered by any other publication.
  2. Upon submission, the manuscript shall be the property of Rajiv Gandhi NationalUniversity of Law, Punjab.
  3. The author shall be presumed to have obtained necessary permissions from cited authors in case a cited work is unpublished.
  4. The decision of the Editorial Board regarding the acceptance/rejection of a submission shall be final. The Board shall not be bound to disclose the reasons for such rejection.
  5. The Editorial Board shall endeavor to inform authors of the status of their submission as it goes through each stage of review. Submissions are liable to be rejected at any stage of review.
  6. After review, manuscripts may be returned to authors suggesting changes to content, style or structure. Publication of the submission may be made contingent upon incorporating such suggestions.
  7. The Editorial Board shall not be responsible for any material that is libelous or scandalous.
  8. The Editorial Board may review the accuracy of citations. However the final responsibility for accuracy of facts, quotations and citations in the submission rests with the author. The author may be asked to present copies of the materials cited in the paper.

Editorial Board & Faculty Coordinators

Dr. Jaswinder Kaur(Assistant Professor)

Contact No: 9855077842

Dr. Sukhwinder Kaur (Assistant Professor)

Contact No: 9417922918

Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law Punjab


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