Call for Papers| NUSRL Constitutional Law Club

Reported by Sankalp Udgata

The Constitutional Law Club is established in the year 2019 to study the contemporary issues and its validity under the Constitution. The Club strives at creating opportunity and in-depth understanding of the nuances of the constitution. It aims to initiate a platform wherein students and scholars can exchange their views over contemporary issues and provide solutions to these issues.
The Club tries to create a platform to the future lawmakers and lawyers an opportunity to understand and reflect their voices towards the constitutional framework with regards to the functioning of the government.
Submission guidelines:
1.Articles should contain content that it is both original and unpublished.
2. Word Limit for the article is 1500-2000 but flexibility can be allowed in circumstances where the article cannot be justified within that word limit.
3. We encourage hyperlinks as opposed to endnotes and footnotes. However, if the article contains sources that cannot be linked, please use Bluebook Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (Bluebook) (20th edition) style in the endnotes.
4. The manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter specifying the author’s name, designation, institute, contact number, and email for future reference.
5. The authors are encouraged to provide a relevant photograph regarding the subject matter of the article if they wish a photographic preview of the blog-posts and social media updates.
Submission Procedure:
1. Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word Format to
2.Article must be submitted before 15th October 2020.
3. Submissions are based on rolling basis.
The copyright of all blog posts shall remain with the Constitutional Law Club, NUSRL.
For query, reach us at:
Contact Details (Student Coordinators):
Shreya Mishra- + 91-7004801585
Mujeeb Ur Rehman- 91-9430136818
For more details,  refer CLC Brochure

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