GNLU | Online Capsule Course on “Data Protection Laws in Selected Jurisdictions with a focus on cross-border legal challenges”

Reported by Karan Ahluwalia

The GNLU Centres for Public and Private International Laws announced the launch of an Online Capsule Course on “Data Protection Laws in Selected Jurisdictions with a focus on cross-border legal challenges”.

Across the world, both public and private sector entities have resorted to online platforms for creating workspaces with the advent of a new world order due to novel coronavirus pandemic. Data as a commodity which anyway had been considered as the ‘new oil’ to world economics become even more significantly tradable. While the study of data privacy and protection has hitherto focused predominantly upon the nexus of law and technology, it becomes considerably important to look within the cross-border legal challenges growing out of the attempts of selected jurisdictions and international organizations to establish a baseline of concepts and principles. Further, the implications of the transnational movement of personal data will be dealt while perusing the in-depth of understanding of principles such as privacy, control and enforcement, consent and collection, storage, international transfer, code of practice, data portability and right to be forgotten.

Resource Person:

Dr Robert Walters, Lecturer, Victoria University, Melbourne Australia. LLB (Victoria), MPPM (Monash), PhD Law (Victoria).

Dr Robert Walters is an Adjunct Professor of Law, European Faculty of Law, Slovenia, Europe, and admitted to practice law in Australia. Dr Walters delivers lectures in relation to data protection and international trade law to students and guests at the European Faculty of Law, Slovenia, Europe. He is a member of the ASEAN Law Association – Singapore, LawAsia-Australia, United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Coordination Committee for Australia, Asia Pacific Scholar (Privacy/Data Protection) Network. He has a law enforcement/investigation background and represented a government department as a Prosecutor in Australian Courts, for more than 8 years.

He is an author of Book titled, “Data Protection Law: A Comparative Analysis of Asia-Pacific and European Approaches”. His book is mentioned as the 10 Best New Internet Law eBooks to read in 2020 by Book authority

Schedule of the Course:

Day 1
Session I September 26, 2020


1000hrs -1115hrs (IST) Introduction to Data Protection – what is data protection? What is privacy? Is it important? How does it interact with cybersecurity and artificial intelligence? Models of data protection law.
Session II September 26, 2020


1130hrs -1245hrs (IST) International Law and Organisations in relation to both data protection and privacy.
Day 2
Session III September 27, 2020


1000hrs -1115hrs (IST) India’s data protection laws, and a comparison with Australia, the European Union – United Kingdom (BREXIT), United States.
Sessions IV September 27, 2020


1130hrs -1245hrs (IST) Data Protection – Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence, law and policy. Industry Certification
1300 hrs MCQ based Exam- 20 Minutes
The prescribed text will be provided in notes and participants will be directed to relevant readings and materials available online.

Course Fees: Students: 350 INR; Others: 600 INR

Technology Mode and Certificates

  • Cisco WebEx Links will be shared with the registered participants
  • Certificates will be provided to the participants on successful completion of the course


o   Step 1: Online Payment of fees: Click HERE

  • State of Corporate / Institution: GUJARAT>> Type of Corporate / Institution: Educational Institute>> Educational Institutions Name: Gujarat National Law University>> Select Payment Category: Data protection laws- cross border legal challenges>>PAYMENT FORM

o   Step 2: Fill the Registration Form, HERE  before 25 September 2020

For more details, queries, or assistance, kindly contact

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