NLUD | Symposium on ‘Transnational Commercial Law, Insolvency, Restructuring, Entrepreneurship: Promoting Trade and Development post the Pandemic’ [6th-7th January, 2021]

Reported by Nitya Bansal

The Centre for Transnational Commercial Law (CTCL) National Law University, Delhi, is organising a symposium on ‘Transnational Commercial Law, Insolvency, Restructuring, Entrepreneurship: Promoting Trade and Development post the Pandemic’, 6-7 January 2021 at National Law University, Delhi through virtual/online mode, in collaboration with the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) the UNCITRAL RCAP, and INSOL India, supported by the Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University, UK, Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law, Campbell University, USA, Centre for Transnational Business and the Law, Georgetown Law USA, International Law Institute, Washington DC, INSOL India, UNCC India.

Our Guests of Honour in the inaugural on 6th Jan. would be Ms. Athita Komindr, Head UNCITRAL RCAP, Dr. Luca Castellani, Legal Officer, UNCITRAL, Shri P. Harish, Additional Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, and Shri Anoop Kumar Mendiratta, Secretary, Deptt. of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Law & Justice.

Dr. MS Sahoo, Chairperson IBBI will be the Chief Guest, Mr. Gyaneshwar K. Singh, Jt. Secretary, MCA have consented to deliver the Special address in the inaugural session on 7th Jan. 2021.

The symposium has sessions spread across two days, where on day 1 (Wed. 6th Jan. 2021), topics of general transnational commercial law are covered, day 2 (Thu. 7th Jan 2021) is devoted to sessions focused upon various contemporary issues of Insolvency & Bankruptcy. PFA the Program schedule and the Registration flyer for your kind perusal. The format is structured as a symposium, where each speaker speaks/presents for 10-15 minutes, with Q&A at the end.

Tech/ Virtual Platform support NLUD 3rd year students, Aayush 9828835110 and Avinash 6393943206

UNCITRAL Symposium links:

6th Jan 2021 : HERE (Participant/Viewer).

7th Jan 2021: HERE (Participant/Viewer).

Look forward to you joining for an interesting and enriching session over the next two days.

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