Punjab and Haryana High Court: The Bench of Anil Kshetarpal, J, denied granting protection to a live-in couple opining such relationships are against society.
The counsel for the petitioners, Mr. Vishal Mittal submitted that petitioner 1 who 18 years old was residing with the petitioner 2 who was 21 years old. The couple claimed to be residing together in a live-in relationship. The grievance of the petitioners was that they were apprehending danger to their life and liberty from the relatives of petitioner 1 and hence, had approached the Court seeking protection against the same.
The Bench opined that if such protection as claimed is granted, the entire social fabric of the society would get disturbed. Hence, the instant petition was dismissed holding that no ground to grant the protection was made out.
Recently, another bench of the High Court had called Live-in-relationships morally and socially unacceptable and had refused to grant protection to the couple.
[Ujjawal v. State of Haryana, 2021 SCC OnLine P&H 914, decided on 12-05-2021]
Kamini Sharma, Editorial Assistant has put this report together