RGNUL | Faculty Development Program on Law and Economics [Apply by July 20]

Reported by Dikshi Arora


Dates: 26th – 30th July 2021


The Faculty Development Program aims to provide an introduction to the economic analysis of law. Law & Economics meshes together two of society’s fundamental social constructs into one subject, allowing a multi-faceted study of significant problems which exist in each subject. The approach to teach economic analysis is diverse: theoretical, quantitative, empirical, and experimental. Law and Economics is a niche area dealing with the interface of the two subjects, wherein economic tools are used to better understand the law and to find its efficiency and working.

The Program will involve the presentation of cutting-edge theoretical and empirical research at the intersection of law and economics. This Program on Law & Economics also seeks to foster interdisciplinary research and relationships in other ways. By encouraging the intellectual and scholarly development of faculty members, promoting the creation and dissemination of research and enabling collaboration with colleagues across disciplines. For an effective teaching-learning process in law, it is essential to incorporate contemporary teaching techniques tailored to the needs of specific subjects. The task of a good teacher is to integrate various disciplines in the most effective and efficient ways to achieve the desired results.

The purpose of the Program is to learn the interplay between law and economics. The sessions will involve interactive presentations. At these presentations, invited speakers — from fields of Law and Economics would be delivering lectures and the enrolled PhD students, as well as interested faculty members, will have the opportunity to ask questions and offer their comments.


  • Law and Finance
  • Law and Economics of Justice and Equality
  • Law and Economics: Institutions and Public Policy
  • Fintech, Law and Economics
  • Economics and Business Law
  • Economics and Competition Law
  • Economics and International Trade
  • Law and Happiness
  • Economics and Rule of Law


Rupees 500/- per participant

Link for payment is contained in the brochure attached.


The Faculty Development Program is open for Research Scholars, Academicians and Professionals from any field.


  • All the interested participants can register themselves by filling the following Registration Form.
  • Program would be held virtually through Cisco Webex platform.
  • E- certificates would be provided only to those participants who attend all the classes and submit the assignments.
  • Last date for Registration is 20th July 2021.

Registration form- https://forms.gle/WL3w9taLBpRKn85c7



Dr. Gurmanpreet Kaur

Assistant Professor of Law

Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab

Contact No: 9501034463

Co- Convenor

Ms. Jasmine Kaur

Assistant Professor of Economics

Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab

Contact No: 8427919272

Student Coordinator: Jannat Deep Bhaura

Contact No. 7087782713

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