Centre constitutes National Dam Safety Authority vide National Dam Safety Authority (Functions and Powers) Rules, 2022

On February 17, 2022, the Ministry of Jal Shakti notified National Committee on Dam Safety (Procedures, Allowance and other Expenditure) Rules, 2022

On February 17, 2022, the Ministry of Jal Shakti notified National Committee on Dam Safety (Procedures, Allowance and other Expenditure) Rules, 2022 in order to regulate the procedures, allowances and other expenditures of the officers of the National Dam Safety Authority (NDSA).

Key Points:

Applicability- The application of rules will come into force from the date of publication. Rules cover the structure of the Authority, which includes-

  1. The Chairman, National Dam Safety Authority who will be the head.
  2. Five Members to assist the Chairman, NDSA. Each Member shall be heading one of the five wings carrying out various functions given under the Schedule-II of the Act.
  3. Authority shall be supported with four regional offices covering States and Union Territories.
  4. With headquarters in National Capital Region of Delhi and regional offices, in order to fulfil the functions.
  5. Offices shall serve as in coordination with offices of the Authority, State Dam Safety Organisations and dam owners of the specified dams.
  6. Central Public Sector Undertaking owned dams which are extended between two states, then Authority will be construed as State dam Safety Organisation.

Wings operating under Authority and their functions-

  1. Policy & Research: Secretariat of the ‘National Committee on Dam Safety’ and its sub-committees; formulation/revision of various guidelines, manuals, checklists, Research & Development, Public awareness and dissemination, vulnerability and hazard classification of dams etc.;
  2. Technical: Directions on manpower, activities related to individual expert, matters related to experience and qualification of dam safety staff and official, accreditation of agencies for investigation, design, construction and quality control etc.;
  3. Regulation : Dam safety regulations; maintenance of log-books, instrumentation, hydro-meteorological stations, seismological stations, risk assessment studies, comprehensive dam safety evaluation etc.; parliament questions and parliament committee matters ;
  4. Disaster & Resilience: Resolution of conflicts between States/ dam owners; technical & managerial assistance to States/dam owners; investigation of dam failures and other public safety concerns; emergency action plan, preparation of annual report;
  5. Administration & Finance: service matter of human resources, finances, vigilance, legal, Information Technology.

Expenditure of the Authority-

  1. All expenses (capital and revenue expenditure) incurred by the Authority are borne by Central Government.
  2. The accounts of the Authority will be audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India or his nominee.
  3. Authority will be authorised, for the purpose of fulfilment of functions and duties, enter into such contracts and agreements.

*Shubhi Srivastava, Editorial Assistant has reported this brief.

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