Two day National Seminar on ‘Land, Records and Rights: Laws, Governance and Challenges” on 19 & 20 February 2023

    About the Seminar Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law School, Visakhapatnam, a state university constituted under Act 32 of 2008 by AP


About the Seminar

Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law School, Visakhapatnam, a state university constituted under Act 32 of 2008 by AP Legislature, is organizing a two day National Seminar on the theme (main theme) “‘Land, Records and Rights: Laws, Governance and Challenges”. The seminar would be organized on the 19 and 20 February 2023. There will be six technical sessions excluding the inaugural and valedictory.

Land is a source of life and livelihood. It is used for multiple purposes including agriculture, industries, human habitation, animal husbandry, afforestation and carbon sequestration. There is tremendous pressure on land due to the developmental model adopted by the state actors. The governments have to see to it that land is put to optimum use. Towards the furtherance of the new economic model the governments are handing over government land to corporate bodies to start developmental projects, SEZs and the like. They are also acquiring lands from title deed owners including the farmers, adivasis and marginalized sections of society on a large scale and handing it over to them. This development model is causing social dislocation, displacement, economic disparity, impoverishment, food insecurity, environmental problems and climate change. Displacement of people from the natural habitat and their disentitlement over their land is happening on a large scale. Ownership and tenurial rights over land are at stake. In such circumstance it is of utmost importance that the ownership and tenurial rights of the land holders are protected. Digitization of the land records is taking place in this backdrop. There is a possibility for tampering with any records, manual or digital if it is not done properly. Digitization is taking place while there is so much pressure on land. Obviously the whole process has to be monitored and reviewed from close quarters. This seminar would throw light on these issues.

We invite papers on the following sub themes:

  1. Constitutional Provisions, Doctrine of Eminent Domain: Issues and Challenges

  2. Modernization and Digitization of Land Records

  3. Agriculture, Land Entitlements, Tenurial Rights and Laws

  4. Climate Change, Forest Laws, Carbon Sequestration and Sustainable Development

  5. Development, Displacement, Tribal Communities’ Rights and Rehabilitation

  6. Community and Legal Rights vis-a-vis Land: Doctrine of Public and Commons


Deadline for Abstract Submission

17th January 2023

Communication of Acceptance

20th January 2023

Deadline for Registration

27th January 2023

Deadline for Paper Submission

9th February 2023

Dates of the Seminar

19th-20th February 2023


Abstract and Full Paper submissions: Times New Roman, font size 12, spacing 1.5

Footnotes: Times New Roman, font size 10, single spaced

Footnoting style: The footnoting style of Indian Law Institute, New Delhi

Margins: 1 Inch on all sides

Word limit (Abstract): 300-500 words

Abstract must be accompanied with the name, designation and contact details of Author and co-author

Word limit (Full Paper): 3000-5000 words exclusive of Footnotes

Co-authorship: up to two authors.

All the submissions should be sent to

Select few papers may be published in a book with an ISBN number subject to the discretion of the University


For academicians/professionals/practitioners: INR 1000/-

For students/Research Scholars: INR 500/-

For international participants: $ 50

The Registration fee is payable to:

Registrar, Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University

BANK NAME: Union Bank of India

BRANCH: Sabbavaram A/C NO: 283710100024089


Purpose: Land Law Seminar

Note: Registration fee includes Seminar Kit, lunch, and high tea on relevant dates. The facility of accommodation may be provided on a twin-sharing basis of Rs. 1000/- per day for each participant. However, the accommodation has limited capacity and it will be allotted on first come first serve basis.


Hon’ble Justice Mr. P.S. Narasimha

Judge, Supreme Court of India & Visitor, DSNLU


Hon'ble Sri Justice Prashant Kumar Mishra

Chief Justice, Andhra Pradesh High Court & the Honourable Chancellor of DSNLU


Prof. (Dr.) S. Surya Prakash

Vice-Chancellor, DSNLU



Dr. K.Sudha

Assistant Professor, DSNLU


Mr. P. Bayola Kiran

Assistant Professor, DSNLU

For any queries


Mr. Bayola Kiran: 9032213683

Ms. Mrudula Ilapakurthy: 9492351234

Ms. PBS Charitha: 8686864851

To know more click on DSNLU – ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Land Records

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