Call for Registrations | 3rd NLIU International Negotiation Competition

About NLIU ADRC The Alternative Dispute Resolution Cell of the National Law Institute University, Bhopal, established in 2007, is one of the


The Alternative Dispute Resolution Cell of the National Law Institute University, Bhopal, established in 2007, is one of the oldest ADR Committees in Asia, and has been hosting Asia's oldest as well as the India's largest Mediation Tournament, ‘The NLIU International Law School Mediation Tournament', since 2012. In addition to the tournament, the cell takes initiative to organize frequent lectures, workshops, and training programmes on Mediation and Negotiation for both vocational and tournament-based operations. The last eight editions of the Annual Mediation Tournament have been extremely successful owing to the exodus of participation every year from Universities from United States, Australia and parts of Europe, other than all the National law schools and premier private law schools of the country, proficient judging by Chicago based professional mediators and our affiliation with your esteemed organization.

About the Competition

The NLIU International Negotiation Competition constitutes the Alternative Dispute Resolution Cell's most competitive and exclusive segment of competitive events. Instead of necessarily focusing on resolution of legal centric disputes or necessitating the presence of a legally or quasi- legally appointed moderator, this competition would imbibe empirical learning on a more commercial plane. The outcome and intent of this type of a tournament pivots around the desire for maximizing tangible or intangible profits and cooperatively negotiating the most strategically beneficial outcome for a given party.

This edition of the competition also ignites the competitive spirit amongst participants with the introduction of a knock-out format as against the preceding system based on teams' hierarchy of points. In practice, the cell will select the top 16 teams from the pool of applications and let the winning team in each match-up proceed to the following round. The preceding system let the top scorers of the preliminary round proceed to the next and so on. The adopted format fits the characteristics of desiring a profit maximizing and strategically beneficial outcome on account of its confrontational nature.

The final facet which makes the tournament stand out against its previous editions is its institution in the physical mode. The previous editions of the competition were logistically stifled on account of imminent health risks- an impediment the educational community does not find itself facing anymore.

In the application video, the teams are expected to introduce themselves and showcase how they incorporate various techniques and forms of negotiation in their regular day at their law school. They must also highlight what they bring to the negotiation table in the competition and what they expect out of this competition itself. The video should not exceed 120 seconds. The results for the shortlisted teams will be announced by 3rd April, 2023.

The teams can complete their initial registration using

Kindly note that the deadline to fill out the form is 1st April, 2023.

For more information, please reach out to:

Tejas Sateesha Hinder (+917899165203)

Vipul Shukla (+917032385759)

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