NLSIR Special Issue Vol 35(2)

As part of Volume 35(2), the National Law School of India Review (‘NLSIR’) is releasing a Special Issue focusing on the interactions

nlsir special issue

As part of Volume 35(2), the National Law School of India Review (‘NLSIR’) is releasing a Special Issue focusing on the interactions of TWAIL with ideas of jurisdiction, extraterritoriality, statehood, and sovereignty.

The vision behind the Issue owes its origins to Prof. B.S. Chimni’s path-breaking article titled “The International Law of Jurisdiction: A TWAIL Perspective”. In his work, Prof. Chimni highlights the need to critically (re)view the categories of ‘territory’ and ‘extraterritorial. Prof. B.S. Chimni will provide an Afterword, with general reflections and takeaways from the Special Issue. Keeping with our aim to promote cross-cultural engagement, the Issue will feature a response to Prof. Chimni’s article from Prof. Chimène Keitner, a leading scholar of International Law and American Civil Jurisdiction. Prof. Keitner will also be acting as Guest Editor for this Special Issue. Her response will explore instances where territorial and jurisdictional borders are not congruent (e.g., universal jurisdiction).

Prof. Rohini Sen, a scholar on Critical Approaches to International Law, will offer a General Introduction to the Issue, locating it within different TWAIL traditions and their engagement with mainstream international law. Prof. Sen is also guiding the journal in her capacity as Advisor for this Special Issue.

The Special Issue will include both invited as well as submitted contributions. We cordially invite scholars, lawyers and students of law, from diverse areas of study to be part of and provide their contributions to this unique Special Issue.

Format of Submissions

  • Interested authors are requested to submit their draft submissions to both the and the Digital Commons Platform by creating an account here. For further instructions and clarifications for submissions on the Platform, please refer to this guide.

  • Submission on both platforms is necessary for the drafts to be considered for the review process.

  • The recommended word limit for every submission is between 2500-3500 words (exclusive of footnotes).

  • The deadline for submitting the entries would be 1st September 2023.

  • Once the Issue is finalised, we will invite all authors of the Special Issue to be part of a Symposium conducted as a roundtable discussion (in virtual mode), towards the end of December. The transcript of the same will be published on the website.

Please refer to the concept note, for more information on the theme, the academics involved and the submission guidelines. In case of any queries please reach out to us at

We hope to receive an enthusiastic response through your valuable contributions to our Special Issue!

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