About Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad:
Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad was created under the Maharashtra National Law University Act 2014, on the 16th of March, 2017, and is one of India’s premier national law Universities. The university is dedicated to developing and advancing legal education and imparting specialised and systematic instruction, training, and research in the systems of law.
About The Centre for Intellectual Property Rights & Information Technology Laws
The Centre for Intellectual Property Rights & Information Technology Laws (CIPIT) at the Maharashtra National Law University Aurangabad promotes awareness of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and technology law among students and supports research in the developing subject of intellectual property. The Centre encourages research and development projects that contribute to its primary goals to actively improve research and expertise in novel and emerging fields of intellectual property law and to serve as a resource for stakeholders such as inventors, research institutions, universities, innovative industries, intellectual property practitioners, policymakers, and regulators. These goals will be accomplished by actively improving research and expertise in novel and emerging fields of intellectual property law.
About Call for Blogs
The CIPIT Blog is a peer-reviewed, double-blind, and open-access blog, operating under the flagship of The Centre for Intellectual Property and Technology Laws, Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad, wholly devoted to the study of intellectual property law and information technology.
With the blog’s objective being the exposition of contemporary developments in intellectual property law, we encourage authors to explore the latest developments in the field while also giving readers an insight into overlooked areas of the law.
We invite submissions on a rolling basis throughout the calendar year from members of the bar, legal professionals, law students, or others who are interested in publishing with us and wish to further legal discourse.
Related to Intellectual Property Rights and Information Technology Laws
Submission Guidelines:
The article should be an original work of the author and unpublished in any other journal or blog. The CIPIT Blog has a strict policy against plagiarism. All submissions must be submitted through the Google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/5/d/1MhYAWRzu8k7Ho8W-ANjt4ZzD7TntPJpZIOEheyNcxqg/edit?usp=forms_home&ths=true
Submissions must be made in MS Word format only. There must be no hint of the authors’ identity in the Word document submitted.
The sources may be cited in the form of hyperlinks within the main body of the submission. In case this is not possible, the sources may be cited as end notes.
The content should be written in Garamond Font with a size of 12 for the main body and 10 for the end notes. Line Spacing is to be maintained at 1.5. All footnotes should follow the Bluebook format.
Co-authorship of up to two authors is permitted.
The submissions should be within the word limit of 1500-2500 words. However, the same would be relaxed if imperative to maintain the quality of the submission. The submissions will be accepted by the Blog on a Rolling basis.
The authors shall receive an acknowledgement e-mail on the receipt of the article by the Editorial Board and a confirmation of acceptance/ rejection of submission once the submission is reviewed and a decision is made thereupon.
On submission to the Blog, an exclusive license to publish the work is granted by the author to the Centre for IP Studies till a decision over publication is taken. This license will expire for those articles which are not published by the Blog. For those published, the author grants an unlimited assignment over the reproduction, communication to the public and translation rights over the work.
Review Policy:
Each submission shall undergo a two-stage internal review process. Our editors reserve the absolute discretion to approve or reject a post for publication. For a post to be successfully published on the blog, the author/s may be required to alter the language/grammar, justify author(s) position on the law and reply to the comments of the reviewing editors.
Authors’ details:
The authors are requested to include the following details in the body of the email: Name of Author(s), Year of Study (if applicable), and Institution or Organization of Affiliation.
In case of any further queries, please write to cipit@mnlua.ac.in or visit our website.
This is going to be an exciting time to explore the intersection of IPR and IT legislation. The Center for IPR at MNCU Aurangabad is setting the tone for interesting conversations, and I look forward to hearing the different points of view that the bloggers will bring. Count me in!