Supreme Court: The Division Bench of Vikram Nath and Satish Chandra Sharma, JJ. refused to interfere with the Bombay High Court’s order, whereby, the Court monitored probe into 2013 murder of physician and activist Narendra Dabholkar was discontinued.
Narendra Dabholkar, the founder of the Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti, was shot dead in August 2013, allegedly by radical outfit called Sanatan Sanstha. The Central Bureau of Investigation had taken over the investigation in 2014 and submitted the charge-sheet mentioning Dabholkar’s murder as an ‘act of terrorism’.
Narendra Dabholkar’s daughter/ petitioner had challenged the High Court’s order, wherein, the Court opined that further monitoring of the investigation by the Court was not required as chargesheet was filed and trial had begun. Dabholkar’s daughter pointed towards a larger conspiracy behind her father’s murder.
The Bench said that the Court was not inclined to interfere prima facie and dismissed the petition. The Court left it open for the petitioner to provide material related to the criminal case to the CBI.
[Mukta Dabholkar v. CBI]
Source: Press.
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Advocates who appeared in this case :
For the petitioner: Senior Advocate Anand Grover