Jharkhand High Court seeks State’s reply after inquiry on implementation of Ayushman Scheme across State hospitals

Jharkhand High Court was dealing with matter seeking release of the amount for hospitals who imparted treatment to persons under Ayushman Scheme.

Jharkhand High Court

Jharkhand High Court: In a writ petition seeking issuance of directions for releasing the due amount under the Ayushman Scheme of all the empaneled Hospitals under the Ayushman Scheme, and conducting inquiry regarding delay in releasing the reimbursement of amount under the said scheme in Jharkhand state, the Division Bench of Sujit Narayan Prasad and Arun Kumar Rai, JJ. directed filing of a comprehensive counter affidavit by conducting an inquiry of the hospitals listed under Ayushman Scheme across the State to ascertain the actual treatment provided.

The Court viewed that apart from releasing the amount for hospitals who imparted treatment to persons under Ayushman Scheme, there was another major aspect to be looked into, that whether the hospitals registered under the Ayushman Scheme were actually claiming the said amount by giving actual treatment to the patients who were coming under the Ayushman Scheme.

The Court sought it appropriate to seek response from State of Jharkhand on the afore-mentioned issue and accordingly directed State Counsel to file a comprehensive counter affidavit by conducting an inquiry of the hospitals listed under Ayushman Scheme across the State regarding benefits of the Scheme to ascertain the actual treatment provided or not to one or other eligible.

The Court listed the matter to be next heard on 22-04-2024.

[Ashok Kumar Mishra v. State of Jharkhand, 2024 SCC OnLine Jhar 650, Order dated 6-03-2024]

Advocates who appeared in this case:

For Petitioner: Advocate Sonal Tiwary, Additional Advocate General Jai Prakash

For Respondent: AC to AAG Chaitali C Sinha

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