Delhi High Court: In a criminal writ petition filed by Amandeep Singh Batra, a music video producer, for seeking protection of his life, liberty, and for the provision of appropriate security, a Single Judge Bench of Jasmeet Singh, J. directed the State (respondent 1) to ensure safety and security of Amandeep Singh Batra while ensuring that his fundamental rights are adequately protected.
Amandeep Singh Batra stated that his ex-wife’s friend (respondent 2) had connections with a gangster and resultantly, he had been getting serious threats including threats to life.
The State contended that the threat perception of Amandeep Singh Batra had been analyzed and that appropriate action would be taken within a maximum period of 10 days.
While disposing of the petition, the Court directed the State to ensure safety and security of Amandeep Singh Batra and said that the State is expected to do everything within their means to ensure that the fundamental rights of Amandeep Singh Batra, including his right to life and liberty is adequately protected.
[Amandeep Singh Batra v. State (NCT of Delhi), 2024 SCC OnLine Del 8731, Decided on 05-12-2024]
Judgment by Justice Jasmeet Singh
Advocates who appeared in this case :
For Petitioner — Advocate Abhimanyu Bhandari, Advocate Mehaak Jaggi, Advocate Arjun Syaal, Advocate Mattasha Garg, Advocate Namisha Gupta
For Respondents — ASC Rahul Tyagi, Advocate Sangeet Sibou, Advocate Anikate