National Policy for Women(Draft)

The Draft of National Policy for Women makes recommendations that empowerment of women is a socio-political ideal envisioned in relation to the wider

The Draft of National Policy for Women makes recommendations that empowerment of women is a socio-political ideal envisioned in relation to the wider framework of woman’s rights. Empowerment would be achieved only when advancement in the conditions of women is accompanied by their ability to influence the direction of social change gained through equal opportunity in social, economic and political spheres of life. The vision of this policy is having a society in which, women attain their full potential and are able to participate as equal partners in all spheres of life and influence the process of social change.


The main objectives of the policy drafted are to create a social, cultural, economic and political environment to enable the women to enjoy de jure and de facto fundamental rights as well as mainstreaming gender in all-round development programs. A holistic and life-cycle approach will be adopted to woman’s health for appropriate, affordable and quality health care. The improvement and incentivizing of access of women to quality education as well as workforce participation of women in the economy. The goal of this policy is to eliminate all forms of violence against women and develop a gender sensitive legal-judicial system.

Priority Areas:

The priority areas where the policy is emphasizing to create an effective framework to enable the process of developing policies and programs which will ensure the equal rights and opportunities for women in the community, family and workplace.

The policy will emphasis to bring down the high rates of MMR and IMR and a coordinated Referral Transport System will be made available for the emergency deliveries as well as the obstetric care. Apart from the maternal health, policy will focus on the other health problems of women communicable as well as non-communicable. Health interventions will aim at both the physical as well as the psychological well being of women. Special attention will be given to the health insurance schemes. Moreover, the improvement in the nutrition and the health status of adolescent girls will be accorded special focus.

In conformity with the Right to Education Act,2009 ensuring the implementation of quality elementary education to all. The Pr-education programs will be initiated in Anganwadi centers as well as the adult literacy will have an added objective.

For the growth of Indian Economy rational gender gaps in all the sectors are needed to be reduced by increasing the participation of women in women in the workforce as women constitute majority of the population under the poverty. Gender equity is an important concern for sustainable agricultural industrial development.

The policy will establish the mechanism to promote woman’s presence in all three branches of the government i.e., Legislature, Executive and Judiciary. Woman’s participation in the political arena will be ensured by reservation of 50% in the local bodies and 33% in the state assemblies. An initiative will be taken in all the spheres of the government bodies to increase the participation of women by various policies and programs.

The efforts will be made to identify and combat all the forms of violence and abuse through a combination of laws, services and programs with the support of diverse stakeholders. The requisite steps will be taken for the prevention of trafficking of children. Existing legislative schemes will be suitable strengthened. Various policies will be adopted in all the sectors to enable the growth of women and efforts will be made to strengthen the existing supportive social infrastructure for women especially the vulnerable, migrant, marginalized and single women.

Emerging Issues:

The emerging issues in this policy are to ensure the rights of women and to promote gender equality which will be achieved by-

  • Redistribution of gender roles in institutions where women are expected to contribute to the economic development of the country.
  • Technological advancement, as there is a need of protective measures to be taken in the cyberspace to control the incidents of frauds and misuse of the data for the protection of citizens and keeping in view that incidents of such cases are largely women.
  • Ensuring the Rights of those women which are adopting the techniques of artificial reproduction i.e., surrogate mother, commissioning mother as well as the baby born out will be protected.
  • Creating Ecosystem for women to participate in entrepreneurial activities, take-up decision making roles and leadership in all sectors of the economy.

Operational Strategies

For translating the policy into a set of concrete actions, action plan through a participatory strategies will be adopted at central as well as state level. There will be short term, mid-term and long term plans with definite timelines and outcomes.

The existing legislations relating to women will be reviewed to enhance their effectiveness and additional legislative amendments to be taken up based on the emerging needs. Efforts will b made to:

  • make marriage registration easy.
  • Strengthen the implementation of the Maternity Benefit Act
  • Enact a comprehensive legislation specifically designed to meet the working condition of the domestic workers.

All Government sectors will review their administrative structures, recruitment, policies and program implementation including the operational guidelines, to identify and reduce roadblocks to the formation of inter- and intra-partnership that facilitate convergence. Legal awareness and legal aid are key facilitators for providing easy and affordable access to justice to women.

Implementation of Policy

  • In translating the policy framework, specific, achievable and effective strategies for implementation will be required to be made at national, state and local levels, in PSUs and the corporate level.
  • An Inter-ministerial Committee will be formulated with action points with respect to the policy prescriptions in the policy document will be given along with the Ministries/Departments responsible for implementing the actions.
  • An Inter-ministerial Committee will be setup to periodically monitor the achievements and progress made under action-plan.

Ministry of Women and Child Development

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