Journalists are not banned from attending and reporting High Court proceedings

As per the Press Note released on  July 30, 2016, in  a Joint Meeting of the Honourable the Acting Chief Justice and

As per the Press Note released on  July 30, 2016, in  a Joint Meeting of the Honourable the Acting Chief Justice and the Committee to formulate Code for the Press and Electronic Media in relation to Reporting of Court Proceedings in the High Court of Kerala, it was noted that there is a need to make public the fact that there is no ban imposed on the journalists from attending and reporting court proceedings. The Committee will look into the issue of framing guidelines to provide prompt and easy access for the journalists to judgments and orders which are pronounced and issued. It however noted that the individual Judges will be at liberty to decline access to any person to their chambers, and the office of the private secretaries and personal assistants, including personal assistants attending to the court work of that Judge from the personal assistants’ pool.

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