NUALS British Parliamentary debate in association with Network for International Law Students

The maiden installment of Artem Disserendi is happening from February 13th to 15th, 2015. Featuring the official format of the WUDC, The British Parliamentary Debate, but with a difference.

The maiden installment of Artem Disserendi is happening from February 13th to 15th2015. Featuring the official format of the WUDC, The British Parliamentary Debate, but with a difference. The concept of a themed BP is being introduced, and it will be based on the concept of “A Changing Nation”.

NUALS recognise that there is a change that is sweeping our nation right now and they believe that this is the time to understand and determine what this change means to all of us. It is with this conviction that they are putting forward this year’s theme so that the inheritors of tomorrow and the shapers of today can have an informed idea on our own nation’s progress.  And as a debate, it is meant to a battle to determine who will have the better say in that future.

Achita Jacob, Ioana Stupariu, Sharada Shrinivasan and Stefan Sirindziski will be the adjudicators. Prizes totaling over 1 lakh will be awarded.

This debate is the brainchild of the NUALS Debate forum. NUALS, Kochi and its students have a rich culture of debating, embodied in the NUALS Debate Club which has been actively functioning over the past 6 years.

The debate is held in partnership with the Network of International Law Students. The Network for International Law Students (NILS) is an international, independent, non-political, non-profit organisation, run by and for law students bringing together diverse sections of the international law community.

Tournament details:

  • Team cap of 32 with an N+1 adjudicator requirement
  • Institutional cap of 2 teams
  • 5 preliminary rounds

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