Call for Papers: RGNUL Student Law Review

Reported by Ayushi Sinha RGNUL, Punjab publishes the RGNUL Law Review, in hard-copy format. Catering to the vision of promoting legal research

Reported by Ayushi Sinha

RGNUL, Punjab publishes the RGNUL Law Review, in hard-copy format. Catering to the vision of promoting legal research in India, RGNUL, Punjab operates various research-oriented programs through dedicated research units. 

 “RGNUL Student Law Review” (RSLR) is a bi-annual, student run, peer reviewed, flagship publication of RGNUL, Punjab. It has been founded with the objective of facilitating arguments in black and white. Legal research skills form the core of the learning process in any dimension of law. The primary function of the Law Review is to promote student research, deliberation and writing in the field of law. RSLR invites submissions for its Volume 2 dedicated to “Public International Law” (Issue 1). This is not limited to issues or themes pertinent to any particular country.

 RSLR solicits submission in the below mentioned format: 

  •  Articles (5,000 to 8,000 words)
  •  Short Notes (3,000-5,000 words)
  •  Case Comments (3,000 to 4,000 words
  •  Normative Law Articles (3,000 to 5,000 words)

Submission Guidelines

All submissions must be in Garamond, font size 12, Spacing 1.5.

All footnotes should be in Garamond 10 single-spaced and should conform to the Standard Indian Legal Citation. (Get your free copy from or mail at

Margins: Left 1.5 Inch and Right 1 Inch, Top 1 Inch and Bottom 1 Inch.

All the word limits are exclusive of footnotes.

All submissions must be accompanied with an abstract of not more than 10% of the word limit subject to a minimum of 200 words.

The manuscript should be accompanied with a covering letter specifying the author’s name, designation, institute, contact number and e-mail for future reference.

All entries should be submitted in .doc or .docx formats alongwith a pdf copy of the same.

The Manuscripts must be e-mailed to

Submission Deadline

The Last Date for submissions is 15th April, 2015 by 11:00 P.M (Indian Standard Time)


Students pursuing their Undergraduate and Masters Course can send their submissions for the Law Review.


The Journal shall retain all copyright arising out of any publications and only the moral rights will vest with the author.


For more details about the Law Review, visit

For any further queries, you can contact the Editorial Board at

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