The Central Universities (Amendment) Act, 2014

The Central Universities (Amendment) Act, 2014 received the assent of the President on 17 December 2014. The objective of the Act is

The Central Universities (Amendment) Act, 2014 received the assent of the President on 17 December 2014. The objective of the Act is to amend the Central Universities Act, 2009 so as to extend the territorial jurisdiction of the Central University of Bihar to the South Bihar and establish a University in the North Bihar.

The Act inserts Section 3-B after Section 3-A of the Central Universities Act, 2009, which provides that the “Central University of Bihar” shall be known as the “Central University of South Bihar” having its territorial jurisdiction extending to the territory in the south of River Ganges in the State of Bihar, and that there shall be established a University, which shall be a body corporate, to be known as the “Mahatma Gandhi Central University”, having its territorial jurisdiction extending to the territory in the north of the River Ganges in the State of Bihar.

-Ministry of Law & Justice


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