National Conference on Intellectual Property Rights

Reported by Mandar Bhatodkar Colloquium Opus, the Seminar Committee of National Law University Odisha is pleased to announce that it is organizing a

Reported by Mandar Bhatodkar

Colloquium Opus, the Seminar Committee of National Law University Odisha is pleased to announce that it is organizing a National Conference on Intellectual Property Rights in collaboration with Intellectual Property Analysis and Advocacy Centre of NLUO on the 27th and 28th of September 2014 at NLUO.

The core focus of this Conference is to provide a suitable and conducive platform to discuss, debate and present contemporary research in the area of Intellectual Property Rights and its management.

Participation from students and professionals in the field of law and Intellectual Property Rights is duly invited for the National Conference.

The themes for the Conference are:

·          Intellectual Property in Entertainment Industry

·         Copyright in the Digital Era

·         Intellectual Property Protection of Traditional Knowledge

·         Intellectual Property and Competition

·         Non-Conventional Trademarks

·         Intellectual Property and Biotechnology

The selected papers will be presented in the Conference by the author(s) in the presence of esteemed guests from the field of IPR and the best papers shall be published in the Colloquium Opus Law Journal.

Important Dates for the Conference:

·         Deadline for receipt of final papers: 1st September, 2014

·         Intimation of selected Papers: 8th September, 2014

·         Deadline for confirmation of participation: 10th September, 2014

·         Deadline for sending Travel Details: 13th September, 2014

·         Date of Conference: 27th and 28th of September, 2014


Contact Details: 

Organizing Secretaries: Dr. Afroz Alam +91-94383 03041; Mr. Amrendra Kumar Ajit +91-93375 25123

Convenor: Mr. Abhijeet Kumar +91-88954 47393

Coordinators: Mr. Kartik Pant +91-78736 67020;  Mr. Aditya Singh Rajput +91-88955 17671; Ms. Pavani Nagaraja Bhat +91-94375 04517; Mr. Rishabh Saxena +91-94388 048


For more details refer NationalConferenceonIPRNLUO

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