Rs. 410 crore allocated to frequently Drought affected and over exploited & Notified ground water blocks

Change in the rainfall pattern in the country has resulted in longer dry spells causing drought like situation in few areas in

Change in the rainfall pattern in the country has resulted in longer dry spells causing drought like situation in few areas in the country. In addition to the issue of scarcity of rain, over exploitation of ground water beyond rechargeable limit, has resulted in rapid depletion of ground water table making the situation adverse. Realizing the gravity of situation, under the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY), Government of India made an effort for the first time to identify the most vulnerable areas that require immediate attention for water conservation, harvesting and ground water recharge.

Department of Agriculture and Cooperation has made State wise allocation of a sum of Rs. 410 crores during the current year to minimize the impact of drought and improving the ground water recharge. Around Twenty States have been allocated a sum totaling to Rs. 410 crores.

Ministry of Agriculture


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