All central universities to have proper grievance redressal mechanisms in compliance with recommendations of Justice Ashok Kumar Roopanwal Inquiry Commission

The report of Justice Ashok Kumar Roopanwal (Retd.) Commission of Inquiry along with memorandum of Action Taken thereon has been laid before

The report of Justice Ashok Kumar Roopanwal (Retd.) Commission of Inquiry along with memorandum of Action Taken thereon has been laid before both the houses of Parliament on 15.12.2016. Government has instructed all the Central Universities to implement and ensure compliance of the following recommendations or measures:-

(i) The university should evolve a mechanism where the students can appeal in case there is any excess by the university.

(ii)Counselling Centres consisting of professionally trained counsellors should be set up which shall provide services to students, research scholars and faculty including non-teaching staff.

(iii)Monitoring Committees should be constituted which should be headed by the supervisors who would provide guidance on the matters related to the subjects studied by the students.

(iv)Equal opportunity cell headed by the Anti-discrimination Officer as per the UGC (Promotion of Equity in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2012 should be made functional.

(v)Grievance Redressal Committee headed by the Ombudsman as per the UGC (Grievance Redressal) Regulations, 2012 should be made effective.

(vi)All the directives in the orders passed by the High Court of Andhra Pradesh in PIL No. 106/2013 should be implemented.

(vii)Strong induction programme for better acclimatisation.

(viii)Establish (as far as possible) local guardian system for outstation students.

(ix)Grievances to be discussed and dispensed with on weekly basis and Vice-Chancellor to hold meetings on monthly basis.

(x)Remedial teaching for academically weak students.

(xi)Deans to closely monitor Department problems. Any serious issue to be brought to the notice of Vice Chancellor immediately.

(xii)University to select suitable student volunteers to act as mentors and help freshers.

(xiii)Effective administration and supervision of Hostels and strict compliance of Hostel Admission Rules and Regulations so that only current students allotted hostel accommodation by the University stay in the hostels.

Ministry of Human Resource Development


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