IDIA reaches Goa – 23 States and counting…

IDIA- Increasing Diversity by Increasing Access to legal education is a project initiated to make access to legal education possible for marginalized

IDIA- Increasing Diversity by Increasing Access to legal education is a project initiated to make access to legal education possible for marginalized and un-represented groups in a hope to empower them. The project is now extended to 23 States, latest being Goa starting from west Sikkim. Dean of Salgaokar Law College, Goa Prof. MK Prasad had extended his helping hand to IDIA to make it possible for them to reach out Goa. IDIA gave the credit of this success to passion of Prof. Prasad towards clinical training who was trained in clinics from USA.  Prof. BS Patil also helped support IDIA and is himself passionately involved with legal aid and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) board and is also one of the key figures behind Lex Infinitum- an internationally reputed competition in ADR conceptualised and hosted by the Salgaocar law school every year.

Salgaokar Law College has established 33 legal aid clinics across Goa and it is mandatory for students of the college to participate in legal aid clinics from 3rd year onwards and they are accordingly evaluated for their performance which indeed is a great means to infuse practical legal training to students. That is how IDIA found the attractiveness to associate with the College in order to achieve its mission to create legal luminaries from underprivileged communities. Not only the legal aid clinics became the source of attraction, but also other factors like low fees charged by the College makes it possible for underprivileged communities to access legal education efficiently.

To know more about the project click here:

EBC and SCC Online are proud to be associated with IDIA.

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