Students on strike at NUSRL, Ranchi

Reported by Akansha Anand

The student community of NUSRL has initiated a strike against the maladministration and lack of funds, the basic agenda being:

  1. Administrative overhaul
  2. Accountability with respect to funds and audit report.
  3. Stay on corrput functioning.
  4. Immediate Action and demanding a meeting with the Chief Minister for voicing their grievances.

All the students have also chosen Twitter as a medium to voice their cry and gain attention. The main gate of the University has been closed since morning, thereby deterring entry of any faculty or administrative staff, including the VC.


Here is the copy of the letter sent to the Chief Justice of the Jharkhand High Court


The Honourable Chief Justice,

High Court of Jharkhand,

Chancellor, National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi

Ranchi, Jharkhand.

Honourable Sir,


Subject:  A petition seeking urgent redressal of grievances of the students of NUSRL, Ranchi through exercise of the Honourable Chancellor’s powers under Sections 12 and 23 of the NUSRL Act, 2010.

The creation of National Law Universities (NLUs) in our country saw such institutions tackling the inundating task of ensuring peak standards of professional education.

We introduce ourselves as the students of National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi. It is only due to the extreme duress that we pray to you to kindly intervene in the  matter of serious urgency and concern. We write this letter as our future lies in dark abyss due to the ignorant attitude of our founder “The State of Jharkhand

In the light of long standing criticisms over various issues and functioning of this University, the students of this University with utter dissatisfaction and having left with no appropriate alternative forum to approach, most humbly request you to exercise the powers vested in you under Chapter III, Section 12 (1) (a), (b) and (c) AND Chapter VII, Section 23 (i), (iii) and (v) of the NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF STUDY AND RESEARCH IN LAW ACT-2010 (Hereinafter referred to as The Act).

The University’s administration is in a pathetic state under the current leadership and is in its worse status in comparison to the previous leadership, thus putting the students in a state of chaos. We would like to draw your kind attention towards some generic issues which are reasonable enough to establish the need for immediate redressal of grievances by your esteemed self, by virtue of powers vested with you under the NUSRL Act, 2010:

NUSRL is one of the most expensive NLUs in the country. A student pays approximately Rs. 1,90,000/- per annum facing acute lack of proper facilities, academics and otherwise. The Vice-Chancellor and the Acting Asst. Registrar are highly inactive and incompetent in managing the administrative affairs of the university and lack vision. The University has a despicable academic standard due to lack of competent faculties and even low standard of academics. There is not a single teacher with the rank professor in the University. There is widespread corruption with respect to issuance of tenders and nepotism in appointment of faculty and administrative staff. There is a complete lack of transparency and accountability in various limbs of the University administration even in the  the records of all the RTIs addressed to The University.

Accordingly, we demand that,

  1. Complete Administrative overhaul, including the resignation or removal of Vice-Chancellor and Acting Asst. Registrar from their posts owing to gross negligence, mismanagement and allegation of corruption. An experienced and competent administrator should be appointed on a temporary basis till a competent Vice-Chancellor and Registrar is appointed with the consensus of all the stakeholders.
  1. Being an Autonomous University, created by the Act of Jharkhand Legislative Assembly, the financial records of the University should be audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India or by any other unbiased external authority.
  1. The Annual Audit reports of the Accounts of the University, which is to be prepared by it under Sections 24 (ii) and (iii) of NUSRL Act, 2010, should be immediately published.
  1. Release of funds by the State Government for the payment of dues to the Central Public Works Department and the completion of the proposed master plan of the University under Entry 23(1) (a) in Schedule of NUSRL Act, 2010.
  1. A Review Commission be appointed by the Chancellor of the University as under Section 23(1) of the NUSRL Act, 2010.

Therefore, under great distress we choose to urge your kind self as the last resort. We humbly request you to peruse through our Representation which has been attached with this application. We would be indebted if we would be given an opportunity to meet you personally and explain the same. We believe that this is the only way to put an end to our misery and rescue the University from its current mundane state.

Yours Sincerely,

Students, National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi

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