Cyril Amarchand institutes chair on Legal Ethics in GNLU

According to press release by GNLU two new endowment chairs have been established at the University. Emphasising the importance of ethics and values

According to press release by GNLU two new endowment chairs have been established at the University. Emphasising the importance of ethics and values in daily legal profession, the leading law firm of the nation, Cyril Amarchand & Mangaldas & Co. established a dedicated Chair. Under this GNLU-CYRIL AMARCHAND & MANGALDAS CO. CHAIR, the Chair will provide a forum for discussion and study of legal and judicial ethics and values (LJEV) and other relevant issues. It will assist Judiciary, Bar, Law Commission of India and designated policy making institutions by providing legal research and advise on contemporary issues faced with regard to legal and judicial ethics and values. It will promote comparative foreign research on legal and judicial ethics and values. It will organize workshops and training seminars for academicians, scholars, judicial officers, lawyers, government officials and other stakeholders on various aspects of legal and judicial ethics and values. It will publish policy papers and reports for the organs of State and carry out empirical studies and surveys on topical issues on legal and judicial ethics and values, and provide high quality legal research and study materials including policy papers on a pro-bono or sponsorship basis.
Moreover, under the Chair, GNLU will provide a monthly stipend of INR 10,000 to two graduating students, based on rigorous selection process, for a period of one year who opt to specialize and start helping senior advocates on Constitutional Law Matters.

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